
by LoneWolf 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoneWolf

    Howdy, Folks.

    Attn: Watchtower monitors: Be sure that the Governing Body gets a copy of this.

    Wal, fair warning here: I'm feeling ornery tonight, and when that happens, nothin's safe. (Grin) However, seein' as how I'm now officially "mentally defective" and about to be slaughtered by the "Jehu Class", I figgur whot 't heck. Let 'er rip! It's about time to have some good old-fashioned country boy fun. It's kick-ass time.

    I think we are all aware of how the Governing Body is so holy that all they have to do is yell "$hit!" and all their servants are required to squat and strain their utmost. Why, if these slaves don't raise a perfect storm of grunting, ending with the deposit of a large pile of odiferous brown stuff, then it is a foregone conclusion that said unfortunate servant has an insufficient amount of love for Jehovah and is probably already employed by Satan.

    But, there are three problems with this doctrine. The first is that they have been foolish enough to teach and try to enforce it.

    The second is that I recognize BS when I see it, if for no other reason that I shoveled many tons of it out of the barn window as a young lad, so I can not only recognize it, but I can throw it even better than they can. Inasmuch as they also teach that we should follow their good example of Christianity, and Christians (at least their type of Christians) should throw BS all over the place, then that means we should too, right?

    The third is that I don't go down easy. In fact, there is nothing I like better that meeting some pompous ass (or asses, as the case may be) on their own ground, play their own game, and then teach them how it's done. Ergo: I'm gonna call their bluff, and I'm inviting you folks here on the board along for the ride.

    They say I am "mentally defective" eh? Fascinating. Let's see if I have this straight: They pull scams on the United Nations, cover up over a thousand cases of child molesting, ignore the most basic tenants of Christianity as taught by Jesus, make a total hash out of feeding the sheep, crap their pants in terror whenever Satan is mentioned, destroy families for the sheer fun of it, drive people insane and/or into suicide to placate their egos, and then lie to their followers about all of it --- and I'm the one that's mentally defective? Yeah, right.

    Let's have a little fun with them. Let's take a subject that terrifies them so much that they mess their pants whenever it comes near and demonstrate just what a batch of panty-waisted dick-heads they really are. You probably already know what that subject is, because all you have to do is pick up nearly any Watchtower and 3/4's of it can be summed up thusly: "OOooooo! Danger! Satan's here! Demonism's there! Run! Hide! Eeeeeeeek!!!!"

    I mean, like, Shhheeeesh! We are supposed to be spiritual s soldiers, are we not? What kind of a soldier is it who knows only how to hide in a hole, quiver in his boots, and pee his pants? I've seen spastic baboons do a better job of leadership than what these phonies have done.

    So bear with me while I slip on a pair of hob-nail boots, and stomp all over this subject. In short, I'm going to do everything humanly possible to pi$$-off Satan worse than any other human being in the history of the world, NOT merely by being defiant and calling names, but by calmly, deliberately, and gleefully blowing his cover, and then taunting him about it afterwards. This will necessitate the exploring of territory where no man has gone before, for the simple reason that they are afraid to.

    So come along for the grand tour, but - keep in mind that some of it is mind-bending, and the tentative conclusions to questions that have been considered unanswerable all during mankind's history are mind blowing. We'll take it slow inasmuch this piece combined with four more that enlarge on it caused one man to have a heart attack. I made the mistake of sending them to him all at one time, so this time I'm going to space the five articles out with a few days between each of them.

    And oh! You turkeys at the Watchtower - make my day and tell everyone that I can only do this with Satan's assistance. Please. That will put me in some VERY distinguished company! (Matt. 12:24-28) The truth is that anyone could have done it - just as long as they didn't have their noses crammed in each other's butts, whilst trying to change their diapers at the same time.

    That said, let's launch this little expedition. Let the games begin!

    Satan's Achilles' Heel

    It's not our purpose to discourage anyone in a free-wheeling questioning of the entire field about the relationship between God and Satan. Such an inquiry is exactly what's called for in this day and age.

    However, it appears that the world gives Satan far more credit than he deserves. This statement is based on a pretty solid foundation but, as few have examined it in detail, others can't be blamed for not understanding why it is made. Let's see if we can rectify that right now.

    Satan's Approach to the Human Race

    There are good reasons to believe that Satan's approach to the human race is much like what Sadaam Hussein's public relations director used right at the end of the U. S. invasion. He was standing on a street corner yelling that the Iraqi army was winning, thousands of G. I.'s were dead and the rest were running like scared jackrabbits. The reality was that the Allied Forces were only about a quarter mile away and coming fast.

    Or, another example would be the children's story of the Wizard of Oz, where the "wizard" was really a grumpy old man hiding behind a curtain, pulling levers and pushing buttons, thereby causing special effects that terrorized the citizens.

    In other words, it appears that Satan is a half-assed little braggart who talks big and bullies anyone he can, but when his bluff is called, couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag using a baseball bat AND a stick of dynamite.

    It also appears that the only way he has managed to survive so far is by keeping us humans ignorant and scared by means of his hot air. We won't enlarge on that right now because it was covered pretty thoroughly in The Uniter.

    Where We Are Coming From

    However, our words right now could be taken by some as the same thing: hot air and bluster. Let's explain a few things, and then you decide for yourself as to whether they are or not.

    People who rule by fear are a pain, and need to be resisted. All have their Achilles' Heels, and one merely needs to find those weak spots and learn how to use them to triumph over the bullies. On the other hand, it's a risky business and is not to be done carelessly. If proper preparations aren't made, the result can be bad, and that is all the more applicable to entities like Satan the Devil.

    It's like one old country boy said in Motives, (http://www.groundwaters.org/online/motive.pdf ):

    "Being an old country boy, tackling Satan isn't really all that much different from taking on any other varmit. You study him from a distance for a while in order to get a feel for his habits and capabilities. Next, you throw a few rocks at him to see what reactions you get. After a while you get a good idea of his strong and weak points, and then you tempt the one and take advantage of the other in order to make sure they are genuine.

    Finally you get to the same point as I have in my work with yellowjackets and hornets. I've taken on thousands of nests and it is now merely an interesting (and lucrative) form of entertainment, in spite of the fact that it scares the livin' crap out of most people. After 40+ years of studying Satan's habits and tactics, he's no different.

    And no, that's not bravado speaking. Just as a guy won't carry a sweaty old A-bomb home in his lap without knowing exactly what he's doing, so a fella shouldn't tackle some exotic varmit without doing his homework first. There are all kinds of details about this particular varmit that I haven't mentioned yet."


    So, let's touch on those details.

    Some 40 years ago this writer sat down with pen, paper, reference Bible, and concordance for the express purpose of following that old military maxim, "Know your enemy." The idea was to gather everything possible about Satan, his habits, thinking, tactics, and anything else that could be found. You may remember how in those reference Bibles that one can take a certain word and find the first usage of it, then look in the reference column and it will tell you the next place it occurs. The method used, was to pick the words "Satan" and/or "Devil", look up the first one, mark down whatever characteristic found, then go on to the next. Many were interesting and gradually a pattern or personality began to emerge.

    Perhaps 100 passages were perused, but Luke 11:24 brought the investigation to a screeching halt.

    "When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through parched places in search of a resting-place, and, after finding none, it says, 'I will return to my house out of which I moved.' "

    The implications were stunning.

    In turn, it reminds one of another passage a few chapters earlier at Luke 8:27-33:

    "But as he got out onto land a certain man from the city who had demons met him. And for a considerable time he had not worn clothing, and he was staying, not at home, but among the tombs. At the sight of Jesus he cried aloud and fell down before him, and with a loud voice he said: "What have I to do with you, Jesus Son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me." (For he had been ordering the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For over a long time it had held him fast, and he was repeatedly bound with chains and fetters under guard, but he would burst the bonds and be driven by the demon into the lonely places.)

    Jesus asked him: "What is your name?"

    He said: "Legion," because many demons had entered into him. And they kept entreating him not to order them to go away into the abyss.

    Now a herd of a considerable number of swine was feeding there on the mountain; so they entreated him to permit them to enter into those. And he gave them permission. Then the demons went out of the man and entered into the swine, and the herd rushed over the precipice into the lake and drowned."


    Now in your mind, when a human 'passes through parched places', what is the most common concern that human has? Is it not food and drink?

    Then again, when someone says, "I beg of you, do not torment me" as well as entreating the one to whom they are speaking not to order them to go away into the abyss, it hardly sounds like an exchange between equals. Rather, that sounds like frantic desperation on the part of the one doing the pleading. It is here that the question must be asked that keeps most of us in hot water all of our lives: "WHY?"

    When reading the first passage it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the "fallen angels" gain some sort of "sustenance" from the hosts they inhabit, and the second passage strongly implies the criticality of them having it. This raised two gigantic questions:

    1. Do the angels and their fallen brethren, the demons, eat???? Undoubtedly, if they do take in some sort of sustenance, it would need to be something of an entirely different nature than what we recognize as food, and they would assimilate it in some manner beyond our imagination. (Osmosis? Or perhaps they simply take in the life force and use it directly like a light bulb does electricity?) Who knows?
    2. Just as big was this thought: Before the Flood, they were using the earth as their playground, materializing bodies, having hybrid off-spring, and inventing weird, parasitical, and infectious stuff. (http://groundwaters.org/online/outline.pdf. - Main heading VI) There didn't appear to be any shortage of energy then. What happened that would reduce them to such a beggarly state?

    There are, of course, no hard and fast answers to either of them, but there is a whole raft of evidence that leads to the conclusion that they do, and why it has become a desperate need. Consider these items:

    Few would argue with the thought that angels were created with the ability to live forever. However, according to 1 Timothy 6:16, they do not have immortality, as that was reserved for our heavenly father Jehovah, the God of Abraham. On the other hand, certain ones are promised immortality as a reward in 1 Corinthians 15:53-55. This raises a question: What is the difference between everlasting life and immortality?

    There is no way to know for sure (yet), but one possibile difference is that immortal ones have the means of life within themselves. (Check out the Wikipedia under "Immortality". Contrary to popular opinion, the definition is far more involved than simply the meaning that it is impossible to die.) They could be, for most practical purposes, perpetual motion machines that need no sustenance to live and function. The evidence on this is weak, but this premise has a distinct advantage over anything else, as it ties in beautifully and provides an explanation for some of the enigmas that have pestered mankind for eons now.

    For instance, it suggests the possibility that angels (and therefore the demons too) need to take in some sort of sustenance. Now watch as we crank that factor though the Book of Genesis:

    Application to Genesis

    Adam and Eve sinned and their punishment was that of being banished from the Garden of Eden and forced to provide their own food 'by the sweat of their brow,' and this sentence was put into effect immediately. Punishment was also pronounced against Satan, but no action was taken against him at that time. Why?

    It appears that it was because he was passing the buck. "The fault is in the humans, and they have it because you yourself screwed up in the way you made them!" Whether the accusation was ridiculous or not, time was needed for it to be answered, for if it wasn't, the doubt would be left unresolved forever.

    However as time passed, secondary issues came to the fore. Satan and his demons were using their powers in ways that they were never meant to be used and that perverted their purpose. Their course and heart conditions became more and more evident through these actions until it finally culminated in the Flood.

    This has far more import than meets the eye, so let's examine it a bit further.

    The Cause of The Flood

    The first commandment given our original parents was this recorded at Genesis 1:28: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth."

    Even with all of the modern technology we have today, we haven't accomplished this original commandment. Sure, we've exploited the earth, and we've terrorized the animals, but we haven't even begun to "subdue" the earth and have the animals in "subjection" in the original context in which these words were used. What was meant was that we were to manage the environment in a way that would maximize the benefits to all creatures.

    Keep in mind too, that the earth at that time was quite different than it is now. The water canopy was still intact, which made the whole earth like a greenhouse, enabling all portions of the sphere to be productive and inhabitable. That includes the arctic zones, as is proven by the fossils of palm trees and tropical animals that have been found there. Such a canopy would have been fragile indeed, and the conditions that underlay the status quo would have been critically important to maintain in order to prevent catastrophe. That would have been the job of humankind.

    (Look at the appalling changes that can come about by minor changes in the atmosphere right now. Global warming and/or cooling and their consequences can be triggered by very little.)

    There's a catch here though. Our ancestors didn't have that kind of knowledge. Someone would have to teach them. The angel who was placed as the caretaker of the earth had that responsibility, but he felt he had "more important" things to do. As a result he abandoned the mission and used his assets for personal gain.

    The consequence was the mother of all environmental disasters, and the death and destruction of most life on earth.


    This tragedy didn't change a thing concerning his original challenge about mankind and our preferences as to whose ways we prefer. If anything, it strengthened his contention, for he could claim that it was because man wanted to follow him (Satan) that he hadn't learned the things he needed to know, and that the assignment was beyond his capabilities anyway. In other words, he could claim that this was further proof that our Creator didn't know what he was doing.

    That question needed more time.

    However, there were a couple of other things that did not. Satan's original mission was now over, an utter failure, finalized in a manner that was irrevocable. Regardless of any screaming he might do that it was all mankind's fault, two things stood out that no one in the universe could contradict:

    1. Satan had used his powers for selfish gain, and
    2. He hadn't even tried to give mankind the knowledge needed to prevent disaster.

    Both called for sanctions - now.

    But what form might those sanctions take? Fortunately, we don't have to guess on that score. According to the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), when someone fails to use his "talents" or uses them in an improper way, they are removed. The individual is simply not trusted with them any longer. Adam and Eve's punishment reinforces this thought. (Note the lack of trust manifest in this statement: Genesis 3:22-24.)

    But - how could this be applied to Satan and the demons? If they take in sustenance in some manner, the answer becomes crystal clear. Wouldn't the levying of the exact same sanctions on them as was given to Adam and Eve be about the height of poetic justice? And wouldn't this prove that our Creator is evenhanded right across the board?

    Source of Sustenance

    So, if they would be forced to provide their own "food" 'by the sweat of their brow', how? Here it gets interesting.

    We as human beings have the mechanisms within our bodies to process material substances such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc., in such a way as to maintain our life force, whatever that is. Would spirit creatures? It's doubtful. Being spiritual in nature, plant and animal products would be incompatible with their "metabolism".

    Therefore, if their normal source of life force was cut off, what choice is left other than figuring out some manner to steal it from other life forms? It is now the crunch comes.

    While there are many life forms, there is only one that has been estranged from their creator. Plants and animals aren't, so they would still be under Jehovah's protection. That leaves only one source available - the human race.

    That thought about blows one's mind, doesn't it? However, there is much to back this possibility.

    1. Why were the demons free to inhabit the man in Luke 8:27-33, but had to ask permission to enter the swine?
    2. Why do most of the pagan religions, especially the older ones, have a central teaching that the gods need to be fed?
    3. Why was mankind's lifespan, starting shortly after the flood, gradually reduced to less than one tenth of its original length?
    4. When Noah emerged from the ark, why did the "gods" gather around like flies at a feast, according to the Babylonian account of the flood? (Chaldean Account of Genesis - translated by George Smith - Wizard, 1977, page 271)

    Satan's Dilemma

    The bottom line is that Satan and cohorts are on the horns of a hideous dilemma. He hates us with a passion, yet he can't kill us off without killing himself too, because we are his main source of sustenance. He can't control us without the use of deception and lying, because if he fails to keep us deluded and helpless and we tumble to what's going on, he will not only die, but we humans, the very ones for whom he has the most contempt of all, will be the ones to checkmate him. What greater disgrace could there be than being checkmated by pawns?

    Sooo, we would ask a question. Give one reason that we should show respect or fear for this little piss-ant of a let's pretend "god", who is such a panty-waist that he can't even feed himself without stealing food out of the mouths of virtual babes? Have you ever seen a more pathetic pile of pig-turds in your life? (Perhaps we should apologize to the pigs.) (Grin)

    Far from respect and fear, we should be giving him the royal horse laugh. That's ALL he deserves - and it should be enough of an answer - especially if many of us join in.

    (Author's note: Upon showing this to others, I received some questions from "DTRT" that were deeply appreciated. Answers were formulated and presented, but it took four more articles to cover them. His questions are below, and the answers will be posted one at a time over the next several days.)

    DTRT's Questions


    Please allow me to pose a question as to the nature of "Demon Food".

    Are any of the Demon Possessed people that are referenced in the Bible, well adjusted people without problems?

    Perhaps, I am treading in an area that has not really been explored but, I think the Good Book does contain the clues that will provide proof of what I propose:

    Did not God create the Angels prior to making Man? Was it Angels that came to Earth and Screwed the Daughters of Men, or was it some other Beings that are not clearly covered in the Book?

    In the King James, Genesis 6:4, "There were Giants in the Earth in those days; and after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the Daughters of Men, they bare children to them, the same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown." You will notice that "after that" is underlined and this would indicate to me that the Giants (Strong's Concordance refers to them as Nephilim, as does Gesenius' Hebrew/Chaldee Lexicon) were not the result of the Sons of God gettin' it on and that they were already here.

    You are most likely sittin' there with yer eyes crossed, question marks leak-in' from yer ears an' uh thinkin' I'm a NUT! Please bare with me and I will attempt to weave this into a complete concept.

    If the Sons of God, referred to here, were able to have children with the daughters of Men then, they must have had DNA that was very close to that of man. If those Sons of God were in fact Angels, this tells me that Angels are Physical Beings.

    Lucifer and his Cohorts most likely have Telepathic Powers but, can be blocked out if Man does not allow them entrance to his mind.

    I cannot find anywhere that the Bible states that Satan and his buddies are Demons, can you? I think you will find that the Demoniac are Spiritual beings and do not have a Physical Form and they must occupy one to survive. Lucifer does have powers that can be used for Demonic purposes when he chooses to use them that way.

    The Demoniac, being spiritual beings, when inhabiting another being may feed on one of the most powerful aspects of animals, EMOTION. Pigs have emotions just as humans, do they not? Isn't it obvious that the Demons had never gone into a Pig before and perhaps when they got into the Pig's minds they triggered Fear (an emotion) rather than an Emotion that would allow the Pig staying stable and coexisting with them.

    BTW, to further proof that the Sons of God were Physical Beings and not Spiritual, Genesis 6:2 and 6:3 indicate that the Sons of God and Man are Flesh.


    I love this guy's mind! Free-wheeling and a-lettin' it all hang out! That's the way it oughtta be!

    Hey Watchtower! Whar yu at? ----------- Oh. There yu are. Way down in that hole. At least I think that's yu. All I can see is someone's butt sticking up. Can't say that I'm surprised though. It takes a healthy mind and strength of character to explore this frontier. I'm a bit worried though. If yore down there already when we've barely started this subject, what are you going to do when we get into the main part of it?

    Tom Howell

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Lonewolf....Gosh I enjoyed that!!!! You need a Title to the thread...why don't you repost it in a new thread entitled:

    SATAN...the PISS ANT panty waist!!

  • dm6

    WOW what a write up...

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