
by EmptyInside 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    I can't stand it,my brother who is an elder is such a company man.

    He mentioned how one of his son's friends wasn't doing too well spiritually,and he wished his son wouldn't hang around him anymore. He really has no say in the matter ,since his son is grown and out of the house.

    But,again,it's already shunning the so-called weaker ones. They look down on others who they feel could be doing more,instead of,encouraging them. They judge them unworthy. The "weak" or actually smarter ones eventully leave for good,and all they can say is,I always knew they were no good. It happens so often.

    My brother forgets that his family went through a lot in the past and were close to inactive themselves. They felt like leaving the org. when they had problems with the elders,but switched to a new hall instead.

    My brother is always talking about marking people and looking down on ones he considers weak. And he's an elder,it shows their mindset.

    They claim to be loving but their actions show otherwise.

    The only fun I get to have with him,is asking about policies that are in the "private" elder manual. I do this in front of others,and it puts him in an awkward position to explain these policies. His wife always asks in astonishment,"Is that true?" And he leaves scratching his head on how I knew about it. Of course,I don't do this too often. But,it's fun.

  • sizemik

    Judging others as "weak" and having little to do with them is a cop-out.

    Saves them having to get off their lazy ass and actually help somebody . . . even one of their own.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Saves them having to get off their lazy ass and actually help somebody . . . even one of their own.

    Plus it allows them a feeling of superiority. We're gonna get sa-a-aved........and you're not!!!!

    Special halo from Jehovah.


  • Bells

    I'm a little bit intrigued as to what the policies are in the 'private' elders manual..??

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises


    Go to the search box and type in "elders manual" to find threads on the topic.


    I'd suggest you go easy on the elders manual questions unless you want your bro to realise you're looking at apostate sites.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'd suggest you go easy on the elders manual questions unless you want your bro to realise you're looking at apostate sites.

    It was a CO who told me, "What's secret about it? It's available online!"


  • punkofnice

    I'm very sorry about your brother.

    Sadly, the higher they think they are is the harder they fall.

    I've seen real WBT$ company men go supernova and leave the bOrg in an instant.

    On the other hand I have 4 fingers and a thumb. Sometimes it affords them the kind of power over others they'd never find in normal society...............only in the WBT$ cult!!

  • EmptyInside

    My brother and his wife felt like throwing in the towel before. He had problems with a couple of elders that just didn't like him and my nephew. But,they switched halls and couldn't be happier. But,I must say that I am glad to see my brother happy,because the issues at his old congregation was effecting his health. He lost a lot of weight and was very depressed. I thought it would teach him some empathy,but I guess not,only for his friends.

    As far as asking him about organizational policies that elders are only supposed to be privy too. I've only done that a couple of times. One of the issues was about losing one's position if a relative in their household attends college.

    But,I'm careful about it. And I don't do it that often. We haven't attended the same hall in years. And I don't see him too often. It's funny,but he always calls when he is giving the public talk at his hall. I think he expects me to take our mother to hear it. But,the last couple of times,I haven't acknowledged it,and he picks our mother up himself. He does give good talks,but I just can't deal with any of that.

    Anymore,I don't bring up anything about the religion to my family. I'm afraid I will just tell them how I really feel. I'm sure they will eventually catch on. They don't even realize, I don't go to assemblies or conventions anymore and we're in the same circuit,lol.

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