Were you, or are you, a cutter?

by Chemical Emotions 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    I used to cut, when I was a JW. I'm not blaming it all on being a JW, but I know it didn't help. Does anyone on this baord have/had this problem, or a similar one? I'm just curious how many other JWs have done this.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I know a couple of JWs who used to cut. I don't know if they still do.

  • sizemik

    Not me personally . . . but a friends daughter was a cutter during her teenage years . . . no longer JW I believe

  • cyberjesus

    m not but I;ll try.... does it feel good?

  • sizemik

    You do it to yourself cj . . . not other people.

  • cyberjesus

    sizemik. I dont thing cutters do it to other people.. thats assault. unless that is mutually agreed.

  • sizemik

    Of course . . . although I do have a friend who does both. He's in Jail at present.

    It does bring him anxitey relief . . . and gets him a stint in solitary when he wants it.

    I imagine consensual cutting would be rare however

  • ohiocowboy

    I am sorry that you went through that.

    I wish you healing and peace in mind, body and spirit!

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