Did you have financial struggles when leaving WTS?

by Silent_Scream 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Silent_Scream

    What have you done when realizing you've sacrificed your life and education for the WTS and realized you were about to get out but finances wasn't coming through good?

    What helped you short term and long term?

    What would you tell your newfound self if you could go back?

  • nateb


    What have I done about it? I got my ass in gear. No one is going to hand us anything.

  • Simon

    Personally, no. I think you soon realize that *not* spending half your week working for free for the WTS allows you to focus on improving your own skills which can allow you to earn more. Heck, you might just have more time to do some overtime, be more dedicated to work (who actually give you something back in return).

    However, I can see some people who have maybe business interests with 'brothers' (tut tut, BAD idea) having problems and also, if you are suddenly alone, it can be hard to be motivated.

    I've always said though, it's never too late to start living the rest of your life. If you have been thinking about re-skilling maybe through courses or self-learning in your spare time then do-it !

  • shamus100

    I've quadroupled my income. :D

    Satan sure has blessed me. I just sacrifice a kitten every other day, and he blesses me.

    But really, I have quadroupled my income. :D So, um, no. Not at all. I got a real career. It's amazing what drive and determination can get you these days.

  • blondie

    I managed to make a good living with just a high school education. My employer paid for me to go back to school as well. Did all without missing too many meetings or Saturday field service. My rule at all times was to never work for jws or when I had my business, to hire jws.

    My needs are few and my wants are controlled. Yet I still own my home, have my older car paid for, and have a good retirement plan. After a health issue and no health insurance, my next job had health insurance and every job since then. I learnd to not spend more than I made and to always put money away every paycheck for a rainy day.

    So before you cut your ties, lower your debt, take advantage of any education through your employer. The uni in my area has a slew of scholarships for older students. Consider the tech school programs. Know what type of jobs are in your area and train to them. After I left I had 2 jobs, 3 jobs at once point (part-time).

    Just remember you don't have to be an ex-jw to have financial challenges.

  • WTWizard

    Financially, my situation was about the same because I donated little and was quite stingy when it came to helping out others. But, what did improve is that I no longer have to worry about the end of the month and getting out in field circus, or getting to the Kingdumb Hell for a boasting session.

  • Woody22
  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    at first but like the monkey I've quadrupled too.... but don't kill kittensFS

  • exwhyzee

    Although I really thought the world was going to end any day, without realizing it till now, I always had a plan B. ready just in case. I had a small downpayment saved and bought my first house at 21. It was only 2 years old and even though it was small, it was nice. There was a big field behind the house where they raised Llamas and there was a view of Mt Rainier. above the field. I didn't have a College Education ( I wanted to be a Dentist) but I got a sort of entry level job in a field with growth potential and a good pension plan and I took certification courses and gained experience. After I got married at 23 and after our 2 boys were born, I sold the first house myself saving real estate costs. We had another one built for ourselves near a lake. I remember hoping that Armegeddon wouldn't come until we got to live in it awhile and feeling very guilty for thinking that . We did this once more and now the house is paid off and I am vested in a State pension plan. Following the Bible advice to keep your eye simple was definetly a good way to go and living like everything could possibly fall apart tomorrow did spoil some of the joy but it kept us form aquiring unessary debt. We never bought anything we didn't have the money for right now and always kept a years wages in the bank just in case. After leaving the Org about 3 .5 years ago, even though I half expected things to go wrong financially and otherwise because isn't that what happens to you if you loose J's holy spirit ? I know former friends and relatives thought it would happen to me too. Instead, just when the economy was starting to unravel, I landed the best job I've ever had and am still on track to be able to retire in my 50's. But as I type that last statement, I still am tempeted ot tag (if this system doesn't end) onto the end of that sentence. (will that ever go away?) Looking back I wish I could have lived without the weekly reminders about the end of the world hanging over my head and I wonder what I could have done in life if I hadn't spent so much of it sitting in meetings etc.

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