Where to go? Where to go?

by D8TA 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    Wish that frickin JW lingo line would die plz, thnx.

    Been hearing it every time I take issue of the WTBTS scam. Long slow discussions that have been going on for months. Patiently showing them from the WTBTS own publications and no outside sources, the falicy this cult is.

    When down to the final round, and have all them facts laid out, pages and pages of WT quotes contradicting its self. With out right admission from my family members that indeed something is seriously wrong with the orginization...the final response?

    Where to go? Where to go?

    You are better off on your own, then following a false prophet.

    Shows how deep the clawz that one organiztion can have in people. It's comparable to a drug habit, unless YOU...YOURSELF, feel the NEED to quit it aint going to happen.


  • aChristian

    Of course the reason the question seems hard to answer is because you are asking yourself the wrong question. Peter asked the right one. It is not a question now of where you should go, but to whom you should go.

    "You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve.
    Simon Peter answered him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.'" (John 6:67,68)

  • JBean

    I had this discussion w/family members just yesterday! I feel as though they practically scream "...but then where do we go...?!" because they are like frightened children who find out they're parents just left them (or divorced, say)... all panicky and frightened. The organization has treated them and have MADE them behave as children for years and years (for some, all of their lives) and they don't have a CLUE as to what to do or how to live without it. Very sad indeed, but understandable. When I was asked that question yesterday, along with the usual "don't leave Jesus and he won't leave you" -type answer, I honestly said "I really don't know right now... I'm trying to find that out myself". There wasn't really any other way to answer them at the moment.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    Believe it or not, for once I agree with you 100%. If you are still seeking Christianity, then simply stick with the "Master".

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