what is an infirm special pioneer

by booby 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • booby

    I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in
    1995 and had to return to the United States.
    We settled in Goldsboro, North Carolina,
    because it was about halfway between my
    family in Tennessee and Gerri's in Pennsylvania.
    My cancer is now in remission, and
    we serve in a Goldsboro congregation as infirm special

    page 8 THE WATCHTOWER ? DECEMBER 15, 2011

  • booby

    Gerri spent most of her days in the field ministry as a missionary, and I worked at the
    branch office. My work involved everything from cutting
    the grass and handling literature needs
    for the 28 congregations to corresponding
    with headquarters in Brooklyn. I was working
    14 to 15 hours each day.

    Sounds like his working a mere 14 -15 hours a day got him out of field ministry

  • booby

    does anybody know????

  • sir82

    "Infirm special pioneer" is someone who has served as a special pioneer for many years, and has had their health ruined as a result.

    In their utter magnanimousness and grace, the Watchtower Society will allow them to continue to have the designation "Special Pioneer" even though they don't have the strengh to make the full 120 or 130 hours of field serve-us required.

    Most importantly, by keeping the "Special Pioneer" name, they continue to be entitled to the below-poverty wages (currently $600/month in the US) and free health insurance the Society provides.

    I'm not sure what the age & service requirements are now - a few years ago, you had to be at least age 55 with 15+ years of "full time service" to be allowed to keep the "regular pioneer" designation (with of course no perks at all) and turn in reduced hours. Since the Society is (reluctantly) spending its own cash for the "infirm special pioneers", I imagine the requirements are far more restrictive.

  • Iamallcool

    It would not surprise me if infirm special pioneers still do get some green handshakes.

  • booby

    well, isn't that special, as a certain church lady would say. thank you for the explanation. I love the part about his working 14 -15 hours a day. No wonder he eventually burned out. LOL

  • Iamallcool

    booby, can you post the whole article here? Thanks!

  • Magwitch

    My 96 year old grandmother is an infirm regular pioneer. She pioneered most of her life - when she became senile (about 5 years ago) they told her to stay home but they have left her name on the pioneer list.

  • booby


    go here and download the pdf file

  • Quarterback

    Yes, Sir82, I agree with your post about Infirm Regular/Special Pioneers. They are to serve at least 15+ years of service, and should be infirm.

    However, some have appealled to the Service department and received that classification for caring after aged parents. It's a label kind of thing that makes someone feel good over their pioneer rank. On the other hand it is kind of a joke, considering. What about the Publisher who can't put in the pioneer hrs? We are told that it's based on circumstances that one can pioneer. The fact that those pioneers can't go back to a publisher status is a slap in the face of a publisher. It's classic example of how Titles are allowed in a insidious way.

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