
by cofty 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    My old Kingdom Hall at Berwick-on-Tweed has finally been sold to an art dealer after being on the market for a couple of years.

    This week they were granted planning permission for a quick build on a site in a village just outside the town.

    "Rev Matthew Knox, Vicar of Tweedmouth and priest in charge of St Peter’s Church in Scremerston, argued the plan should be turned down because it is not a place of Christian worship as stated in the application."

    The story is the front page headline today in my local paper, The Berwick Advertiser.

    Here is a couple of gems from the article..

    "It is not part of Churches Together in Berwick, it has its own translation of the bible and to my knowledge discourages independent thinking with the real threat of members being shunned by all other members if they dispute their governing body’s official doctrine."

    "In the parish council’s letter, clerk Isabel Hunter wrote: “There is already a Christian church in Scremerston which is grossly underused and underfunded, therefore the parish council would like to suggest that an agreement could be reached with the vicar/preacher of the existing establishment."

    Hahahaha priceless! More chance of Celtic and Rangers ground sharing.

    I served with the two elders Brian and Harry that are quoted in the article and they were both on my JC.

    I feel a letter to the editor coming on.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    LOVE it Cofty! God bless Rev Knox!

    Now, get your biro out and get writing!

    Hope you and yours are well.

    Paula x

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