Illegal online version of Carl Jonsson’s book

by Doug Mason 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The online version 4 of Carl Olof Jonsson’s book, “Gentile Times Reconsidered” is illegal.

    Unknown to Carl, a Swedish man prepared his book for the web and put his name on the copyright page. He also made some changes and additions to the book that Carl does not accept.

    He had it published and many have loaded it down from that site and published it on their sites.


  • sd-7

    What kind of changes?


  • Kensei01

    what is the link?

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    I do not know the changes, and have simply provided the text of Carl's concern.

    As you would expect, I am not prepared to provide any links, given the illegality of the work. When you do manage to find a copy, you will see the admission on the title page that it was prepared by someone else other than Carl.


  • AnnOMaly

    Changes - c&p'ed from another thread about it.

    Out of curiosity I downloaded the book (I already have the real thing so no harm done) and it has also been modified. Additional material (some of COJ's articles from the Christian Freedom site) has been added but made to look as if it is part of the original book (tsk, tsk!). One of the extra chapter titles given on the Contents page is very 'un-Carl': the phrase 'Sham Scholarship' doesn't even appear in the reproduced article (this time by Kristen Jørgensen)!


    Update: I've been informed that this GTR pdf has been done by the same guy who made it available on Pirate Bay. In fact, amongst all the copyright info it identifies the culprit -

    "Internet edition: Tönis Tönisson, Vretstorp, 2009"

    Anyone who has this download ought to treat it with caution. It's already been mentioned that this version has additional material from the Christian Freedom site which has been made to look as if it was part of the original book, but there are also alterations in the body text itself! One example from p. 381:

    The original "As I have amply documented in this review, this sectarian agenda forces Furuli to invent incredible explanations of the relevant sources, Biblical as well as extra-Biblical."

    Tönisson's interpolation "As I have amply documented in this review, this sectarian agenda forces Furuli to fabulate more wildly than Sheherazade; the legendary Persian queen and storyteller of One Thousand and One Nights."

    Outrageous! Some other unauthorized amendments,

    P. viii - The map has not been reproduced from the book.

    P. 310 - The original " ... it will in the end be impossible for him to find any real and valid support for an idea that is false and therefore basically indefensible" Tönisson " ... it will in the end be impossible for him to find any real and valid support for an idea that is false and therefore impossible to defend.

    P. 310 - The original " Unfortunately, this is an area that Couture, at least at the time he wrote the treatise, was not quite familiar with." Tönisson "Unfortunately, this is an area that Couture was not quite familiar with."

    P. 370 - The original "The idea is absurd." Tönisson "The idea is patently absurd, asinine."

    Who knows what else he's altered in the book? Ripping off a copyrighted book for everyone to download is one thing, but to put in your own little alterations and pass them off as the author's wording ...

  • Leolaia

    Wow, that's troubling. And the Sheherazade reference is bizarre, completely out of left field.

  • Dutch-scientist

    TKS for this info! its Bizarre. For the future we need to be aware that people will quote from this version!

    Ann's post will give us an quick check the real source.


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