Conversation with an Elder- JW and Love

by mankkeli 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • mankkeli

    Excerpt from my conversation with an Elder

    Elder : Isn't it wonderful that we are the only one fulfilling this command of Jesus christ recorded at John 13 :35, “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” No any other organisation exhibit the christlike love that we display.

    Me: Thats true, but we are not perfect.

    Elder : Compare with the catholic clergy and many Christendom clergies who bless soldiers going to war and these may even end up killing their members in the destination country.

    Me: Even nowadays, in so many congregations, there are frictions amongst brothers and sisters and some may even keep malice for years. Gossip spread around in the congregation, especially after some special announcements and those practises hinder the peace of the congregation.

    Elder : Of course, it is normal, we are imperfect and satan the devil is at war with God’s people. So, he uses every tool at his disposal to threaten our peace. But in general, the degree of love we show cannot be matched. We have peace with God and it is clearly evident among us. Could you imagine the prompt direction from the GB to provide relief for brothers in Haiti and other disaster-plagued country. We even built houses for brothers and sisters in those situations. Could the priest in Rome direct the catholic members in the US to volunteer for its members in Haiti?, No, Never. They are alien from each other.

    Me: Thats interesting, but there are some other organisations, like political organisations and volunteers worldwide who have also rally round these victims and they had no spiritual connections.

    Elder : But, they have selfish motives, they may be boosting their record to enrich their CV.

    Me: No matter what their motive might be, the deed was performed, love was shown and result was accomplished.

    To be continued ..............

    Do you think the elder was balanced in his views? Please offer your comments

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    No he was not. Its ALWAYS the Catholic Church that they love to bash......

    Also, they only provide disaster relief for JWs...whats Christian about that? Nothing.

    Love your very calm and sensible responses by the way.

  • sizemik
    Elder: Isn't it wonderful that we are the only one fulfilling this command of Jesus christ recorded at John 13:35, “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.” No any other organisation exhibit the christlike love that we display.

    If you love only those loving you . . . of what benefit is it? Aren't the tax collectors are doing the same?

    Elder: Compare with the catholic clergy and many Christendom clergies who bless soldiers going to war and these may even end up killing their members in the destination country.

    Maybe he should just be thankful that young men have been prepared to make the supreme sacrifice to prevent an evil fascist from achieving world domination. Especially since these ones delivered to him the freedom to practice his religion today After all . . . No man has greater love than to lay down his life on behalf of his friends

    Elder: But, they have selfish motives, they may be boosting their record to enrich their CV.

    How do we know this? . . . Stop judging lest you be judged ... straw in brothers eye ... etc etc

    No any other organisation exhibit the christlike love that we display.

    And aren't we grateful for that! . . . they have the "hypocritical love" market cornered

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    JWs who make comments like the elder mentioned always reminds me of poster BetterDaze's post some months back found here. This is regarding a man who had uncontrollable tumors which grew so much that he essentially was without a face.

    Who got the ball rolling to give Mestre a new lease on life?

    An anonymous stranger! A "wordly" tourist "soon to be destroyed" at Armageddon, who saw Jose on the street and was moved to help.

    Who paid for it?

    The Portuguese National Health Service, an arm of Satan's wicked, worldwide government. Also STB destroyed.

    Who performed the surgery?

    Dr. McKay, a university-educated specialist with a 25-year history of performing corrective surgeries, not knocking on doors. Not a door-knocking JW = STB destroyed.


    At a rotten pagan Roman Catholic hospital founded by nuns, whores of Babylon the Great. STB really, really destroyed!

    Bonus question: Who sat by for 40 years while this man suffered physically, emotionally and spiritually?

    The Jehovah's Witnesses! Ah, but they Will Live Forever on Paradise Earth™.

    "Peter" the tourist

    Portuguese National Health Service

    Dr. McKay

    St. Joseph Hospital

    Jehovah's Witnesses

    On another note, my father, who's a die-hard JW elder, tells me occasionally how sick of the brothers he is. Cracks me up everytime, because he'll tell me how bad he wants this system to end, but at the same time he can't stand to be around "the Friends" and as soon as the meeting is over, he can't wait to get out the door as he's sick of many of them. I imagine many other JWs feel that way about each other as you simply get sick of being around each other throughout the week. I rarely go to gatherings anymore, because lets face it, if I have to see you mandatorily at least three times a week, then I don't want to see you anymore beyond that.

  • flipper

    MANNKELI- The elder who talked to you has been conditioned by WT mind control to put down or diss ANY organization outside Jehovah's Witnesses. No, he was not balanced in his views . He is conditioned to think that EVEN IF the Catholics, or other religious groups do good things, that Satan the Devil still controls those groups or religions and so they MUST have selfish or wrong motives for doing good. ALL non-Witnesses or what they call " worldly " people are looked upon as " unrighteous " by the WT society and viewed as needing to change - whether they are good or not ! It's a very skewed version of what Witnesses call " the truth " and what promotes FEAR within their members of getting close to non-Witness people. A very closed, secret society type thinking

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