Overlapping Stages and/or Themes in Recovery....

by Celtic 1 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Celtic

    Would one or two here please be kind enough to submit their thoughts upon the overlapping different stages that can be described as part of the healing / recovery from a very high control group, for various disaffected ones to have better understanding of?

    Would you please keep your answers as simple as possible?

    I am thinking of producing an audio tape on this subject which might be given to those ones who wish to receive such help, upon their first leaving. Encouragement etc to go through the gamut rollercoaster experience, ride that inevitably occurs, reassuring them that they are not alone.

    Assistance much appreciated.

    Peace & WhatKnot, WhatKnot indeed.

    [email protected]

    Free Tibet & Drop The Debt!!

  • cellomould

    i know that at first there is anger

    then an exhilaration at the idea of freedom

    then depression and more anger because... what the hell do you do with this newfound freedom?

    and some variants on these

    in my experience, that is...



    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

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