Was Jesus speaking to his disciples alone or Jehovahs Witnesses too?

by TimothyT 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TimothyT

    I no longer go to meetings or on field service and am now fading. As my life is changing rapidly, im reading certain things in the bible and questioning how the JWs percieve them.

    For example, I read through the book of John before and wondered whether the JWs like to apply all of Jesus words to his close disciples, to themselves.

    Is EVERYTHING said in the gospels and other parts of the bible to be applied by Jehovahs Witnesses today or do they just cherry pick their favourites or those which support their doctrines?

    What about context? When Jesus said something to his disciples, was he speaking to all modern day Jehovahs Witnesses?

    If you have any thoughts or just want to post for the sake of it (like I have) then please do so.

    Timmy xxx

  • Rocky_Girl

    I don't remember Jesus saying anything about Jehovah's Witnesses. Any words attributed to him by his followers, hundreds of years later, were meant for followers of Jesus.

    I think that all words written by anyone anywhere are meant for the person who finds them meaningful. If the words speak to you, they are meant for you.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Good question, and you can expand that one question to include Paul's letters, Peter's letters, James' letters, and John's letters. In harmony with the movie Office Space, if they say to you that you've been missing a lot of meetings and disregarding Paul's counsel to not forsake the gathering of ourselves together, you can reply, "I wouldn't say I've been missing them, and besides, Paul didn't tell me to not forsake the meeting of ourselves together. He wrote that to the Hebrews. He hasn't addressed diddly squat to me."

  • sizemik

    By their own doctrine . . . all of the NT is addressed to anointed Christians only . . . when it suits them. JW's never place the scriptures in their proper context . . . they modify the context to suit there fear and guilt inducing controls. The Bible is a "control manual" for them to say whatever they want whenever they want. The longer you're out, the more obvious (and disgraceful) it becomes.

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