Battle of the Bulge

by LouBelle 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    It's one of those battles that can be very difficult to beat. I do not blame my Jw past for my weight gain, I just didn't do anything about it because one day I was going to be perfect and it didn't matter.

    In past years I've lost weight, picked up again and usually more, and then lost again. In those times that I applied myself I genuinely was sincere and thought my mind was made up. I failed.

    This year, due to my uncles' illness (he's dying of cancer) I thought I had to give losing weight another bash. He always believed I could do it. I knew I could if I applied myself. I had to apply myself this time, I wanted him to see me reach this goal. This time was and still is so different. I'm willing to make sacrifices in order to succeed. Saying no is easier. Sticking to the plan though difficult pays such great rewards that it motivates me to stay on it. Not only am I doing this for him, but for me too. I don't want to live my life with regrets.

    I have a blog detailing my journey. I still have a long way to go, but I've lost in the region of 25 kg = 55 pounds (it could be more) It is my desire to encourage others who need to lose weight to do so. I have tried every single diet out there from shakes to injections. Good ol' healthy eating is the way to go.

    I looked at a picture of me taken on day 1 in my tights and vest. Compared it to a picture taken yesturday and I can see the transformation. It gives me more motivation to keep going on. It details my journey. The highs, the lows, the honesty with which I'm moving forward. I usually post every second or third day and post it to facebook, twitter and buzz. I want others to know that even though losing weight is difficult, it can be done.

  • snowbird

    Healthy eating and plain, old-fashioned moving around (exercise) will get it done.


    Give your uncle's hand an extra squeeze, will you?


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yaye for you, Loubelle!

    I have the same battle with the bulge and at this point in time I have given up trying to lose weight It's because of the same problems you describe - you lose it, you put it back on plus some more, lose some, put it all back on again. It's not an excuse to pig out - I do try to be reasonable with my portions and with what I eat, although I have a sweet tooth

    Good luck Loubelle, here's to the new healthier you!

  • wobble

    Rootin' for yer LouBelle !

    I am one big fat biffer, but it ain't the beer, I gave up drinking beer for 4 hours once, and never lost any weight !

    Good luck, I know you can do it !

  • CuriousButterfly

    YAY Loubelle you go girl! I look forward to reading your blog. :)

    I am right in the same boat and would like to lose some weight. I need to get my butt in gear.

  • tenyearsafter

    Hi LouBelle,

    The battle of the bulge is actually a war! I have fought the various skirmishes for years, and I think you are on the right track in going with the basics of healthy eating, portion control and exercise. One program that I have found very useful is Weight Watchers Online. It is not magical, but it definitely helps you organize and track the right kinds of foods and exercise. I found it to be very helpful in keeping me on track. I finally got to my goal weight and have found that maintaining it is much easier with the continued tracking of what and how much I am eating. I wish you the best...don't get discouraged...remember it is a lifestyle, not a diet!


  • Nellie


    Like you, I too have been fighting this war for many, many years! There are times when I've just laid down and let whatever will-be, be . . . but just recently (I once again) started getting that "OMG I can't believe I'm as BIG as I AM" feeling! I'm going to go check out your blog and I've already checked with my doctor...not looking for a miracle, but definitely looking for a solution...

    Hugs, Nellie

  • ziddina

    Congrats, LouBelle!!

    I've plunked on 30+ pounds in the last 10 years - employment frustrations, I guess - but I've recently begun stripping the weight off by following my own day-yamm advice which I was giving to OTHERS...

    Which is: If you're craving something sweet, you're THIRSTY. Drink some water FIRST, and see if the craving goes away... If you're craving salty stuff, then you're low on MINERALS. Take extra calcium, zinc, vitamin C & D, and a good multi-mineral - the craving will probably go away...

    I've always had a terrible sweet tooth. That's how I gained the weight.

    Remember that old diet advice - drink at LEAST EIGHT glasses of water daily? Well, when I crave something SWEET, I drink water - PLAIN old water...

    And a miracle has occurred. My cravings for candy have almost disappeared!! And the weight is melting off, too...

    I shudder to think of what I must have been doing to my body, all those years, when it was asking for water and I was giving it sugar junk, instead.

    It's amazing how taking EXTRA calcium, zinc, vitamin c, vitamin D or fish oil, and a good multi-mineral supplement kills the salt cravings, too...

    Keep us posted on your progress!! Zid

  • LouBelle

    Hiay everyone. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Water! is a must!

    Better choices is a must!

    I really want to help others out there. If you need encouragement or anything - feel free to contact me by mail, via my blog, facebook or twitter. I'll give you as much encouragement as I can!

  • kurtbethel

    Go LouBelle!

    That is really good progress. Likely in the past your motivations were not strong enough to keep you on course, or you were holding on to habits that were comfortable. Whatever it was, when you realize that this life is going to be what you make it to be, it can be easy to let go of whatever it is holding you back from realizing your best life.

    Goodness, I must sound like one of those life coach people.

    Keep it going. When people see what you have done, you will inspire them if they are ready for that.

    Here I will make your blog link clickable.

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