Circuit Letters/Numbers

by Palimpsest 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Palimpsest

    I'm wondering if anyone has a list of circuit letters/numbers? Or can explain a bit more how they work?

    I can never remember if I was in Connecticut Circuit 2A or 2B (I think it was B), and I've always wondered if our "2" meant the second circuit in our state or the second circuit in our district.

    I don't know why I care, but I've always been curious. Does anyone else remember their circuit numbers/letters?

  • MrFreeze

    MIne was 14b I think or a. Im pretty sure it was b.

  • Iamallcool


  • EmptyInside

    If for example you were in circuit 7A,and there is a 7B,that means you are part of 2 groups that make up one circuit. Hope that makes sense.

    My circuit used to have an A,B,&C,but,then they did some rearranging and made it into just an A& B.

  • EmptyInside

    I'm not sure about the numbers,but my guess is how many circuits make up one district.

  • sir82

    Most assembly halls can't hold a whole circuit-worth of attendees at once, so they typically split circuits into an "A" and "B" side. Smaller assembly halls & larger circuits might require a "C".

    The numbers are distinct for each state.

    So, for example, if you belong to "Circuit PA-3B", you are in circuit 3 of the state of Pennsylvania, side B.

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