Equilibrium - JW parallels

by Mickey mouse 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I just watched this movie for the first time http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilibrium_(film)

    "Equilibrium is set in the futuristic and dystopian city-state of Libria. After a Third World War devastated the Earth, a totalitarian state emerged whose ideology determined human emotion to be the root cause of conflict. All emotionally stimulating material is banned and "sense offenders" are ruthlessly persecuted. Illegal materials are rated "EC-10" for "emotional content" (a reference to the MPAA film rating system [1] ), and destroyed by immediate incineration. All citizens of Libria are required to take regular injections of the emotion-suppressing drug Prozium.

    Libria is governed by the Tetragrammaton Council, which is led by a reclusive figurehead known as "Father" (Sean Pertwee). Father never interacts with anyone outside the ruling council, but he is omnipresent on giant video screens throughout the city. The Tetragrammaton Council uses its police state apparatus to enforce conformity."

    My favourite quote from the movie: "It's not the message that is important but our obedience to it."

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