Talk to the Evil Slave!

by koolaid-man 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    The Bible Students are gathering in Johnstown .PA. this weekend for their annual convention. Bible student officials calling in from the convention will be Richard Rawe's guests on the Dialouge program today Sat. June 26, 2011.

    Take the opportunity to talk to the so called "evil slave".

    The largest schism in Watchtower history involved the Bible Students in the 20's and 30's. It was not so much that Bible Students "opposed" the work of the Society, the issue was the Bible Students and the Society were no longer in harmony doctrinally, the 3,000 or so who "dropped" out by 1918, eventually grew in the coming years, by 1930 seventy-five percent of the original Bible Students had abandoned the Society. The Bible Students or "THE EVIL SLAVE" As the Jehovah's Witnesses refer to them as, are now coming back to haunt the Org. Many Witnesses are now researching the early roots of the Bible Students and many are returning to the early teachings of Charles Taze Russell. WHY?

    Bible student elders, including a Bible student historian, will tell us how their teachings differ from the Watchtower Society, and wait till you hear about the second president, Joseph Rutherford. It's easy to get on the call, just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Our program starts at 7p.m.EST, and our lines open at 6:45 EST for the pre- conference call program.


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