Can you relate to this comment from a ex jw ? I can

by Hairyhegoat 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hairyhegoat

    As a former Jehovah’s Witness (20 years) and as someone who auxiliary pioneered several months every year for half the time I was involved in that organization, I KNOW for a fact that MOST JW’s actively pray for the destruction of MOST worldly people. If you really think about it, its a warped, awful and sick mentality. “Oh boy I can’t wait for the vast majority of people on this planet to die by God’s hand because they don’t believe what I believe!! Yay!” I mean, seriously.
    And sorry, but say if it is real and Armaggedon is a coming, I would rather die in Armageddon than be stuck living forever with a bunch of bigoted, uneducated (we know how the WTS feels about college!), misogynistic people.
    While walking away from a door after being dismissed by a ‘not interested’ person, we would JOKE about how they were going to regret not listening to us someday. “Haha, have fun when Armageddon comes.” I used to say things like that! I’m ashamed of the person I was when I was a JW.
    Sure not all JW’s do that, but A LOT do. MOST do. Sure getting turned down door after door wears on ya, but to wish for someones death is just sick.

    This was what I used to think of people in the world, what a ashole I was as a JW Now the gloves are off and woe betide any of them who come to my door


  • serenitynow!

    I didn't do that when turned away at a door. I do remember being told by an elderly sister once, not to tell people to have a nice day if they had not been receptive to the message. I thought that was rude and un-Christlike.

    It was always my belief that since Jehovah didn't want any to be destroyed, it would be wrong for me to take any delight in people dying at Armageddon. Also, I wasn't so certain of my own salvation, so I was not praying for it to come quickly.

  • Jadeen

    I've called my parents out on that mentality a few times, but they still don't seem to understand how hateful the "worldly people are gonna die, mwah hahaha!" attitude is.

    This reminds me of a story. I was out in service with a pioneer that had a rural territory. You know how the map shows where houses are? This guy would draw flames over the houses of people who weren't interested. Even then I was disgusted by how many jws were amused by it.

  • watson

    "Actively praying for the destruction of most worldly people"

    I don't remember that hairy. I suppose you could say that they prayed for God's Will to be done, not knowing what that Will really was, other than the destruction of "wicked mankind". The definition of "wicked mankind" is still an area they have difficulty coming up with.

    4 generations deep here, and none in my family had the hope for any to be destroyed.

    The ones that did look at things the way you describe, were thought of as "limited" in intelligence.

  • talesin

    Maybe this is something relatively "new".

    There was a thread on this topic years ago, and I was shocked. Born-in, and was a pioneer as a teen, and never ever heard any comments to this effect.

    I left in the late 70s, so ... maybe it's more recent? or regional? hmmm


  • InOregon

    A similar mentality occurs at assemblies when the speaker says something to the effect of "won't we all rejoice when God destroys this old system and wicked mankind". Then everyone claps joyously. They are really clapping about the death of their neighbors, their co-workers, their non-witness family, you, me, etc. That always seemed a bit heartless to me.

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