Are You Ready?

by Judge Dread 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Judge Dread
  • sinis

    Oh, yea!!! Been warning people for quite some time. It is going to get VERY ugly. If anyone is interested register over at and let me know your user name here and can have the admin upgrade the account for surival manuals, etc.

    Store food and weapons - the new money of the future will be barter for food!! Store seeds, etc. This time is different.

  • AGuest

    I have a serious question, if I may, dear Sinis (peace to you!): if this is true, why would I tell anyone else (other than loved ones) about it? Why wouldn't I just stockpile MY guns, gold and grub... and let everyone else go for what they know? Wouldn't that give ME an advantage... because I would be "ready"... AND have a heck of a lot more than anyone else, both of which would give me ever MORE power... and leverage... than my guns, gold, and grub? But if I tell the world, and THEY start stockpilin', too... isn't that going to dilute MY potential stash?

    So, my question is: what's in it for the proclaimers of this coming... ummmmm... world situation... to warn others?

    I mean, I truly don't get it. Why in the WORLD would I share this information with others... unless there was some gain... some PROFIT... in it for me? And if there IS some profit... why would I believe what they're saying?

    Seriously, my questions are sincere and I really am trying to make sense out of this kind of message, so I look forward to your response.

    Until then, again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • sinis

    Just trying to be nice. You take it for what its worth. I only visit a couple of sites, and this is one of them. Contrary to what people say, I still have a heart. At this point I have so much stuff, its a moot point to advocate others try likewise while thinking it affects me. It is coming, deal with it the best you can... humanity still means that we are human to some extent. It would be remiss of those not to help. I know what you are saying. Some may have motives outside of being helpful... you make a good point though, maybe I should stop caring...

  • EntirelyPossible

    Yeah, and the JWs have been warning about armageddon too.

    Do you read free republic by any chance?

  • still thinking
    still thinking
    So, my question is: what's in it for the proclaimers of this coming... ummmmm... world situation... to warn others?

    Interesting question Aguest....I suppose they could ask the same of you.

    Whats in it for you to be sharing "what you hear"?....maybe you can answer your own question.

  • AGuest
    Whats in it for you to be sharing "what you hear"?....maybe you can answer your own question.

    For me, it's a hope of personal salvation, dear ST (peace to you!); however, I don't think guns, gold, or grub will be an equalizing factor. Which is why I asked: say that the world ecomony IS going to collapse and in order to survive one must have guns, gold, and grub. Okay. The first two kind of give me the impression that God isn't playing a part here, per se, so... why send out a global message so that others can gather such things, as well? I mean, if one is concerned about the economy more than, say, one's fellow man (because in this scenario, one surely must be ready to "shoot to kill" is need be), then wouldn't keeping this knowledge "close"... so that one could have MORE GGG than, say, the other guy, make more sense?

    I mean, isn't being public with it also alerting those you DON'T want to have guns... and gold... and maybe grub... to start stockpiling, too?

    I truly am not being judgmental but trying to understand. It really doesn't make sense to me. But then, that's just me. And before you say, "Well, what you post doesn't make sense to ME," I would counter that the difference is that I asked my question so AS to understand... even if I don't necessarily AGREE.

    I hope that helps and, again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • still thinking
    still thinking
    For me, it's a hope of personal salvation

    So are you saying your only helping others because you see it as benefitting yourself? Interesting reasoning.

    As far as guns and gold go....I can't say that interests me at all...but why someone would share this information? that is another issue...obviously they arent sharing it for selfish purposes, otherwise they wouldn't be the ones to benefit would they? You already pointed that out would benefit them to tell no one and stock pile. So they must be sharing this information for unselfish reasons.

    It is probably a different answer depending on who is sharing the infomation with you....I am guessing that sinis shares the information because he/she wants to help others...however, if it was a gun manufacturer sharing this could say it was about profit...really we need to find out who the source is before we can make any assumption.

    Sorry for the long winded reply...but my point really is...why question the sharer of the information...question the source and their motives. If you don't know who the source is, how can you properly question their reasonings.

  • AGuest
    why question the sharer of the information...question the source and their motives. If you don't know who the source is, how can you properly question their reasonings.

    You're absolutely right, dear ST (peace to you!). I took the post and comments at face value, which I shouldn't have (and so, that's totally on me), given the site disclaimer:

    This website exists for entertainment purposes only. The reader is responsible for discerning the validity, factuality or implications of information posted here, be it fictional or based on real events.

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    Again, I just didn't understand why, if the economy is going to completely go down the tubes... with the only chance of remission being GGGs... anyone would shout from the mountains "ya'll go get your GGGs." Seems diminutive to me, so I was just trying to understand. IF my message was that only those with GGGs will survive, I think I can honestly say that I would be gathering all the gold I can for myself, first. The point of my messasge, however, is exactly the opposite, that it isn't about me, but others. But that is what I've been taught by my Lord... not to worry about stockpiling GGGs. In fact, my understanding that when HIS even takes place... none of these are going to be worth a darn thing.

    Again, I hope that explains, dear ST, and, again peace to you, truly!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    If you want to fade Gerald Celente, go ahead, but as one who lives in "earthquake country", it is better to be prepared.


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