Happy 3year Anniversary to me!! 3 years on JWN

by QuestioningEverything 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • QuestioningEverything

    I signed up on this website 3 years ago. It's unbelievable how much my life has changed since then.

    Here is the link to my first post: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/160533/1/Wow-I-didnt-know

    This is where I'm at now: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/196756/1/A-journey-of-a-1000-miles-begins-with-a-single-step

    Thank you JWN members- I've never met many of you but your decision to share some of your life with me and others here has made a major impact on me. For the better, I must say.

    Thank you Simon for creating and maintaining this site. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have came across this website. It has truly made my life and that of my families so much more peaceful and productive. Thank you. Thank you.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Congratulation QE and thank you for posting this message.

    I find it delightful to read your success story and am so glad JWN has helped you and your family.

    I wish you well in the future and join you in thanking Simon and others who have made all of this possible.

    Very best wishes.


  • wobble


    I have decided to have two birthdays a year, like Queen Lizzie of GB, one my JWN one, one my real one, no, sod it, I'll have three, add the day I walked out of a KH forever !

    It is fascinating to see your journey, as it was to look back over mine, and both of us have the good folks of JWN to thank BIG TIME!!

  • NomadSoul

    LOL Congrats I guess.

  • Quandry

    Great to hear that you and your family are doing so well. Especially that you and your husband are together in your journey.

    How are your dealings with family members still "in?" Are you still able to associate or are you shunned?

  • QuestioningEverything

    Thank you everyone.

    @Quandry-I am still able to associate with my family that are 'in'. My mom has become an uber JW but doesn't get preachy with me. She knows that I am not returning-not from me but from my cousin who told her-and she doesn't bring it up to me. We get along quite well.

    I really want to tell her the whole truth about the JW's and why I won't return but don't want her to have to choose between me and them. I hate that she is so zealous about the WTBS.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Happy Anniversary!

  • Quandry

    I hate that she is so zealous about the WTBS.


    There must be some small voice that knows shunning is not going to happen, and perhaps that's why she is so zealous-trying to make up for her disobedience to the borg! How wonderful that she is willing to follow her natural loving instinct. Maybe in the future there will be something that happens that will also not "sit well" with her. There is always hope.

  • TotallyADD

    Happy 3 year Anniversary to QuestioningEverything. I am so happy about both you and your husband got out of the cult together. My wife and I are doing the same thing. Your husband a born-in with a elder father did he have a more difficult time than you? I ask that question for I am in the same boat. My wife was a convert so it was easier for her. I see your parents came in when you was a young child and you got baptized at 12. Did that little background of not being in the cult help you at all? Just wondering. My wife keeps saying I am having a harder time because of being a born-in. At any rate best wishes to you and your husband. Totally ADD

  • kazar

    Congratulations on your three year anniversary on JWN!!

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