Car repair

by JWJunky 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWJunky

    I swear my money comes and goes. Last month I sign contracts that cost me one thousand bucks and today I have a thounsand dollar car repair. Its summer time and I know how imporant it is for my signifcant other to go to theme park, but I'm hurting. Where I live I can easily take public transportation, but if we want to have fun we need wheels. Looking back those bros and sis that use their wheels in the "army" seriously didn't have a life cause the upkeep of a automobile is hard when you want to travel for fun.

    I remember meeting the group for field service and always riding around with the same people and we would give them a couple of dollars for gas. Of course they only worked part time and their automobiles unless they were one of the lucky few to have good jobs, were always 5-10 years old after the current date. I know they had to be hurting when it came time car repair time.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    This thread is up my alley. I'm contemplating whether or not I should buy a new car. I've been weighing the pros and cons, and my current vehicle is starting to become a burden in expenses. What kills me, and I mean really makes me angry, is that the most recent times something went wrong on my car was during so called theocratic activities. You know, taking people to the meetings, driving almost two hours to do a half hour talk in another congregation, doing return visits. The only positive thing about the situation is that it awoke me to how selfish those pricks are in Bethel. They want to guilt trip you to do more, more, more. The branches send CO's and DO's to guilt trip you to do more, more, more. Don't ever expect them to do anything for you though. They could care less about whatever your financial situation is. So nowadays, I don't donate anything to the so called world wide work, or the Kingdom Hall Fund. I'm not taking the CO or his wife out to lunch, dinner or any of that. They can fend for themselves. All these people mooching in the name of Jehovah, they make me sick.

  • sizemik

    Yeah Miz . . . I recall you lunching your gearbox or something a few months back. In my last few years I travelled for talks almost every weekend (I was the talks servant). . . mainly because we just wanted to get away from the disaster of a congregtion we were in. It may have been self-inflicted but I ran up huge K's . . . and repair bills. It's a hell of an expense . . . and if you're not believing anymore then the pain really sets in . . . I feel for you buddy.

  • JWJunky

    @No room for George I agree full heartly all they do is mooch and then expect you to take care of their more righteous ones in all of heaven? Jeeze!

    @sizemik to pay or not to pay

    Thanks for understanding:)

  • james_woods

    Could I recommend a Ferrari? They are extremely economical to repair, even when 25 years old like mine.

  • JWJunky

    @james_woods I wish I could own a Ferrari woohoo hell I would take a damage one anyday:)

  • sizemik
    Could I recommend a Ferrari? They are extremely economical to repair, even when 25 years old like mine.

    Shit yeeah! . . . I would just love to turn up to the FS group in one!

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