Questions for the Governing Body of the WBTS

by bobld 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bobld

    Your counsel and direction to the members are:the end is very near,to preach the good news and avoid materialism.

    If the end is very near,why are you selling your vast real estate properties in Brooklyn and building a large centralized religious compund upstate N.Y.

    You say branches are being merged and consolidated to allow the many bethlites to focus on the preaching work.My question to you.Are you not defeating your purpose by having your members working for years and years on your new large facilities instead of focusing on the preaching work.

    When the real estate market was hot,you jumped on the bandwagon and started to sell off your vast Brooklyn real estate properties.When the market went south your Brooklyn properties were taken off the market.My last question.Are you not being materialistic.

    Please answer here.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I can answer on the GB behalf as I am their Official Spokesman (Spokesperson if Law renders Spokeman as gender biased):

    We speak out of both sides of our mouths. We have become expert in this manner of speaking and it is now offical policy to do so at all and every occaison.

    We encourage our members to simplify their lives shun materialism and lead a simple life allowing them more time to devote to inportant Christian activities such as distributing our publications worldwide. We encourage them to do this because the The Great Day of Jehovah is imminent and has been for many deacdes now since 1914, but logic obviously dictates that it is now far more imminent than it was previously.

    While we tell our members these very things we continue to plan building and expansion projects up to 10 years ahead. We invest considerable sums in property and the stock market as our members give us so much in the way of donations and contributions we have no other choice but to use it wisely and for their future benefit, to do otherwise with their donations would be imprudent on our behalf.

    As to the condolidating of branches throughout the earth, this is indeed to free up our loyal dedicated members to have a greater share in the never to be repeated preaching work and has nothing to do with saving money or tax avoidance and that is all that needs to be said about that. This is covered in the latest watchtower clearly giving this very reason and to read any other motive into these shrewd moves is to be seeking something that is not there.

    WTBTS Krooklyn

  • Morbidzbaby

    Any and all building projects, real estate sales, etc. fall under the blanket of "furthering the preaching work". The rank and file generally see nothing wrong with this because of that reason.

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