Biblical Euphoria and Judge Rutherford

by sabastious 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    There are two "modes" available for Jehovah's Witnesses. One of them involves a euphoric reaction from the Bible. The Bible, whether we like it or not, is a book that has been accepted by culture after culture after culture for thousands of years. Because of this societal consistancy the book demands respect and our brains are facinated by an inanimate object demanding such a reception.

    Biblical Euphoria is what motivates a student of the Bible and Witnesses do have this mode. However they have another mode and it involves how we appear to others on the outside. Our external appearence never translates all of our internal psyche so a fundamental internal conflict is created.

    Someone at some point in time within the Watchtower (my guess is Rutherford) figured out this dual conflict within the minds of our peers and ourselves (Rutherford was a student of Freud). Humans have what we really think and we have what we want others to think; they live side by side always, are eternal enemies and eternal friends. I believe that Joseph Rutherford, and company, utilzed our need to indulge in politics and appearance. When humans see their reflections staring back at them they have a burning desire for that image to be "something of worth." Physical reflections remind us that we exist.

    The Watchtower, and more specifically Rutherford, gave us worth by means of a false sense of security. He took what our minds constantly do internally and brought it outside for all of us to play with. He took that Biblical Euphoria, an emtion, and attached to it set of man made policies. He used the Bible and his flock like a cheap whore.


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