by Quentin 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Quentin

    Ellen White began an adventist religion based on visions. Maria Russell, along side her husband Charles, started an adventist religion, until Charles threw her under the bus.

    White based her religion on visions. Maria based hers on interpretation of Scripture ( Faithful and Wise Servant ) What is the difference between the too, if any? Both are Bible based. What are your thoughts?

  • designs

    It appeals to that sense tha 'Others' have a spiritual gift we don't. Like the kids at Fatima seeing a Vision, thousands wanted to believe so viola! its Real.

  • Quentin

    Ellen G. White was a prolific writer, as was Charles Russell. They were powerhouses in their day, both coming out of the Miller Adventist movement. I suppose my imputes is the difference between the two. My OP has to do with Ellen and Maria. It seems you cannot separate Maria, who contributed MUCH more to Charle's writings and development of Bible Students than she is given credit.

    Ellen White had visions and the Bible. Maria stuck to her own brand of Bible interpretation. I wanted to compare the two, but seems you can't without bringing Charles into the mix as well. Especially since he kicked Maria to the curb, and there is so little information about her.

  • Terry

    Barbara Anderson has some rather rare and sophisticated writings of Maria on her website folks should take a look at.

    "Pastor" Russell was great at "borrowing" ideas from all sorts of clever people. Nelson Barbour, George Storrs, Piazzi Smith were Pyramidology

    enthusiasts and Russell ran with their findings. William Miller created End Times spectacular anticipation and Russell ran with that.

    It isn't surprisng Russell with his foxy eye for a good gimmick wouldn't see how much promise their was in Ellen White's success and his wife

    Maria's rendition of ANOINTING as a seal of God's special revelation!

    If it worked for others, then, Russell could expand it and make it work for himself.

  • TD

    The change in writing style between the first three Millennial Dawn volumes and the last three has let more than a few people to speculate that Maria played a major role in writing them.

  • Quentin

    Didn't know that TD. One should read the Bible Student writings. Voluminous they are, and a hard read in their 19th century style.

    Perhaps Maria was much more involved in the "Pastors" writing, eh? Yes Russell was foxy, foxy enough to get rid of Maria. As you suggest he did not want to SHARE the limelight. Something Ellen White's husband didn't care about. He stayed by her side to the end.

    Perhaps it was poetic justice Rutherford "grabbed" the International Bible Student Association after Russell's death.

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