Speaking of Facebook Security...

by jws 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    This is sort of security (or at least privacy) related. Does anybody else have the new Outlook with the social networks plugin?

    The new plugin works when I'm reading e-mail. It'll have a window at the bottom that shows past e-mails from that person and, with the plugin, will go retrieve Facebook or Linked-In info. For Facebook, it shows your status updates and your profile pic.

    It's based on the e-mail address, so be aware of which e-mail address you're using to send to different types of people and which of those e-mail addresses Facebook knows about. Somebody might have a Facebook account, maybe even one without their real name and they've attached all of their e-mails (work and personal) to it. They may change their profile pic to them at some wild party and post about how trashed they got. Well, if your work e-mail is attached to that account and you send an e-mail to a business contact, they could end up seeing that pic and status if they've got Outlook with the plugin. Might not be the sort of thing you want a business client to see. Or your boss when you're up for a promotion.

    I'm not exactly sure what to do to prevent it. I suppose having a seperate e-mail account that facebook knows about (and you don't send e-mail from) is one way. I see status updates from my ex, even though I'm not her facebook friend. But then again, it looks like I can look her up and see her wall if I want to. So maybe if you limit who can see your statuses to friends only, it might not let random people see them from Outlook either

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