WT March 1,2011 p8 "my 2 cents"

by bobld 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • bobld

    WBTS illustration of you owned a beautiful home.Some tenants live peacably others made trouble damage the property.What would you do to correct matters?Would you destroy your home?You would evict the bad tenants.

    The WBTS compares this to what are good and bad tenants or J.W.=good and ALL other people=bad.

    Let me illustrate it this way.Home A lives an exemplary family, good christian conduct,threats others well,helps the community,maintains their home,all their children are well behaved.

    Home B lives a J.W. with the same attributes.Would evict the family from Home A.My point is their are good people and some live better exemplary lives than J.W.just because they don't go to the Kingdom hall they are bad tenants and would be evicted.

    Also their illustration in 2000 years old so good and bad tenants have come and gone and their Landlord has not done a thing,at least in the real world we have gov't and laws to take Bad landlords.


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Good point Bobld. You're right that is such a dated illustration. And very simplistic. But to my JW mind it worked for decades... lol

  • scooterspank

    This was something I pondered early on after I left the "the truth." I knew people who behaved as well if not better than JW. They just had the wrong religious label. It occurred to me that I wouldn't want to worship a god that would destroy people like that just because they weren't a witness.

  • bobld

    Thanks scooterspank,that is what I ment to say,only you said it better.


  • wobble

    If the example is talking about good and bad tenants of the Earth, JW's are BAD tenants, they do nothing for the community and burn lots of gas on FS and cut down rain forrests for their Magrags.

    Jehoober should evict them forthwith.

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