What are you looking at? There's nothing to see here.........

by miseryloveselders 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    This would have to suck.


    Meet the woman who can’t close her eyes

    She won $115K in suit against plastic surgeon, but says she’s still at risk for blindness

    It’s been nearly six agonizing years since a failed cosmetic surgery left Marilyn Leisz unable to do something most of us take for granted. Even now, after 30 surgical attempts to correct the problem, the New Jersey woman can no longer fully close her eyes. Even the simplest things — showering, sleeping — have become a nightmare.

    Parker performed the surgery in August 2005. It was supposed to be a minor procedure. “I was not told that I was going to have any problems from the surgery at all,” Leisz said. “As a matter of fact, I was told I was going to have a more overall youthful appearance.”

    That promise, she said, soon turned into a nightmare. She found that she was unable to close her eyes completely. Her eyes burned, she said, and her tear ducts didn’t work properly. Parker, she said, insisted that it was all part of the healing process.

    In the years since, Leisz has undergone 30 more painful surgeries. As a result, she can now partially close her eyes. But without additional risky surgery, there is no chance that she will ever regain the simple ability to blink or to completely close her eyes when she sleeps.

    For now, Leisz says, she continues to cope with the hardships of her condition and is trying to deal with the fear that some day, she will lose her sight altogether.

    “I feel like my whole life has been stolen from me,” she told NBC News. “Your eyesight affects everything that you do.”

  • sabastious

    Oh god that's like a bad dream.


  • tec

    Wow. That's awful. Money can't make up for having to live like that every day.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Goodness, what did he do to cause that?

    I really feel for the woman, but people take cosmetic surgery too much for granted these days. There ARE risks, and things like this can happen.

    I had some surgery done on my nose for medical reasons (sinus etc) and the surgeon in charge rattled off a huge list of possible problems that can result from surgery to this part of the face. Any kind of facial surgery is not trivial.

    Problems can and will occur once you put scalpel to skin. Unfortunately this poor woman drew the short straw.

  • CoonDawg

    That's where vanity will get you. So many don't understand the risks associated w/ cosmetic surgeries. Nowhere in the article did this talk about the procedure being a necessary one - she just wanted to look more youthful. "Vanity - it's my favorite sin!" - Satan in The Devil's Advocate

  • exwhyzee

    I knew a guy who had that same thing happen. Luckily he wasn't circumcized so they used his foreskin to rebuild his eyelids. It turned out pretty well for the most part, however he always looked a bit cockeyed after that .

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