by Pams girl 8 Replies latest social current

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    In the paper today, it discusses this earthquake in Blackpool. It was 2.2.........not huge BUT!.....all the JWs are jumping around and clapping..."ITS COMING......ITS COMING.....ARMAGEDDON IS COMING".......

    Im SO happy for them. It must be so nice to be right all the time. Again.

    Paula x

  • Broken Promises
  • kurtbethel

    In these parts that is hardly even a bed shaker.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Yes, not exactly "great" earthquakes of the bible, but you know the JW......all excited now bless em!

  • sizemik

    It's a funny thing . . . we've had about 6000 earthquakes in the last 7 months over that magnitude . . . about 5 per day 3.0 or more still at the moment . . . they have to be 3.5 - 4.0 before we even notice them these days . . . although we all got woken by a 4.0 at about 4.00am this morning which knocked a few small items over (again) . . . but here's the thing . . . the JW's here are strangely quiet about bible prophecy and earthquakes.

    I had a bloke (JW) call on me about three weeks ago . . . we talked for half an hour about natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanoes etc., and not once did he mention the bible, show me any literature, or even mention anything remotely religious! . . . in fact, it was quite an interesting chat . . . then he simply left.

    It set me to wondering . . . everyone here is now extremely well educated about earthquakes . . . what causes them, worldwide frequency etc. Added to that, people are grappling with REAL problems coping with the aftermath . . . not likey to entertain a bullshit artist for very long at all . . . a couple of friends have said similar things. My personal take is their bible warning on earthquakes is definitely not popular and for that reason they are tending to leave the subject alone. The 'warning work' is strangely muted.

  • thetrueone

    I wonder if the WTS will release the number of JWS who were killed in the Japan earthquake or the big tsunami in Indonesia back a few years ago.

    I guess not bad PR, JWS are JWS so that god doesn't kill them and even protecting them .

    Same reason the WTS. doesn't release the number of JWS who've died from not taking a blood transfusion

    since that doctrine was introduced.

  • sizemik

    Interesting isn't it . . . I must do a 'tour' of the KH's in this city . . . see which ones are left . . . I'll post what I find when I do

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The WT hasn't posted an update since 25 March

  • thetrueone

    Sadly the WTS frowns on supporting organizations like the Red-Cross.

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