Materialism in your congregation?

by chukky 594 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • chukky 594
    chukky 594


    One of the thing that convinced me that the WT was not the true religion, was the materialism/showy dispolay of ones means of life, that was rife in my ex-congregation. For example, many had private vehicle plates and huge houses, many kept on moving into bigger and bigger properties. Money for many of them seemed to be the main focus. Someone once said that JWS are more focussed on material things because their hope is based on the same, namely, the big house in paradise etc. Just wondering what your experience was.


  • sabastious

    An elder who studied with me owned a 3500 square foot house with a grand piano in his living room. He owned a construction company and made a fortune. He was a respected elder in the congregation and I think he played the "wealthy witness" role with class.


  • straightshooter

    The cong I used to belong to never had the problem with materialism become the area is poor. 1/4 of the people in the area are unemployed. One brother I knew collected recycled bottles and cans from the neighborhood garbage cans to survive.

  • snakeface

    For awhile I was in a rural area and most of the congregation was very poor. Elderly people living in beat up old trailers. Probably 95% of the congregation drove 17 or 18 year old clunkers. There was only one brother - an elder - who made more money than I do. He had a new house built every few years, had a boat and other things. I had - and still have - a really nice car, (actually several cars including a Town Car which I used to take elderly ones to the conventions) and I contributed a lot of money to the congregation. When we had natural disasters that damaged homes and halls in another part of the state I contributed hundreds of dollars. I also purchased things for many of the elderly friends, for example one elderly sister didn't have air conditioning; I bought her enough fans for her whole house. Now, maybe this elder also did this; I don't know. But he was always bugging me to sell him one of my cars for thousands of dollars less than the fair market value. (The car wasn't even for sale anyway.) He kept saying how having such a nice car would help him take his group out in the ministry etc etc etc. at that I only needed one car. I kept telling him that I would be happy to take the group out in the car for him.

    I had many friends - single brothers - who were always crying about not being able to find a marriage mate. These, although spiritual, all worked as window washers and similar, and they drove old clunkers. I'd show up at the Hall in the 2 yr old Town Car, wearing a gold ring with diamonds in it and an expensive suit, and sisters would be chasing me. The sisters would actually show up at my house. In fact one came up to me right after I gave a public talk and said, "I want you to f*** me."

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