"Athiests on the March"

by lrkr 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lrkr

    Over the Christmas holidays, a witness dropped off a whole bag full of magizines, etc for me (like they had been saving up my order for the last 3 years at the hall). I briefly perused them and then dumped them in the recycling bin. One of the issues that caught my eye and offended me was a magazine that showed a bunch of angry white guys (they looked like labor union leaders) carrying signs- the Headline was "Athiests on the March"

    Did any of you see it? Did someone perhaps scan it? From what I remember- its pretty good entertainment value- if you have a strong stomach. As usual- the article cherry picked quotes from fundamentalists complaining about Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens and how "aggressive" they are.

    If by agressive you mean "writing books" and then trying to sell them by giving interviews- well then I guess so!!

    Actually- its totally and utterly riduculous!! A few guys trying to sell books (pretty good books most of them)- being called "agressive" by one of the most dishonest, controlling, and slick religious media organizations in the world.

    I for one, have NEVER had an athiest drop 50 magazines on my porch and call me to make sure I read them, try to make me feel guilty for not going to their group think sessions, or convince my family that I am of questionable character because I quit believing!!!

  • mindseye

    This one arrived on my doorstep about a month ago. I'm guessing some witness heard about my 'independent thinking' and thought it would be an ideal issue for me (for the record I don't consider myself an atheist, just a freethinker who does not accept conventional ideas about God and religion).

    The article is laughable. The caricature of atheists as sign wielding, rabid maniacs is hilarious. It reminds me of the Evolution book that shows scientists as chin stroking guys with beards and pipes. These cartoon stereotypes show that the WT writers don't get out much.

    I've just read Richard Dawkin's "The God Delusion". The idea Fundamentalists have of Dawkins as this bomb throwing, religion hating maniac is way overblown. "The God Delusion" is the most eloquent case for atheism that I've ever read. His measured criticism of religion is very insightful as well. I still do not agree with him on everything, but I came away from the book more enlightened (unlike that Awake article).

    The ex-JW Atheist Geek wrote some good articles on "Atheists on the March". Check them out:


  • lrkr

    I'm glad someone else got a laugh out of the article- I notice its not on the jw.org website anymore. But- if you need good humor- the "Garden of Eden was a literal place" magazine is still up!!!

  • kurtbethel

    Oh, you mean this marching atheist?

    Watchtower is a snare and a racket.

    None of them ever came to my door trying to recruit me into atheism.

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