Elders Approaching . . . What angle is best?

by Murray Smith 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Hiyall . . . I've been out for over 6 years now, and moved back to my old "home town" a couple of years ago. I've had a couple of visits from an old associate. This man was with me in a congregation from 20 years back and we pioneered together for a few years . . . even went into business together for a while. After I moved away we kept in close touch and even ended up serving together briefly in a congregation many miles from here. He moved to another country about three years back and we lost contact. He knew by then I had become "inactive" and I hadn't heard from him for some time before he left.

    Recently he arrived back in town (to look after his sick mother) and looked me up . . . we chatted for about an hour but steered away from anything spiritual and discussed nothing re; my status. I think he was just feeling things out, but it was basically small talk and nothing more. That was a couple of months ago, but more recently he turned up at my home while I was out of town and spoke to my wife. Once again our "status" was carefully avoided and the visit ended with a general invitation to get together sometime with another family who were mutual friends for a BBQ.

    I think he is intent on attempting to "snatch me out of the fire"

    Even though we have known each other for a long time, I never really felt that close to him. He always brings the whole family and things are getting mildly "cosy". He is 'born-in' and has been an Elder for 20+ years, as has the other brother suggested for the get together.

    I have no desire to rekindle any friendships, nor any fear in making my feelings on matters clear. But before the inevitable parting of ways, I would like to get the most "mileage" out of the opportunity in the sense of planting something that might set him to thinking . . . .

    Any suggestions would be appreciated


  • Honesty

    Ask him about all the errors made by the Watchtower Society on numerous doctrines and show him this:

    JUNE8, 1986 AWAKE!

    PAGE 9


    NewAmericanBible correctly states: "Prophet means ‘one who speaks for another,’ especially for God. It does not necessarily mean that he predicts the future!"

    You will be interested to learn that God has on earth a people, all of whom are prophets, or witnesses for God. In fact, they are known throughout the world as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  • itsbeenalongtime

    I think the best seed you can plant is to show him how happy you and your family truly are!! We have been told over and over that when you leave the truth, nothign but bad things will happen.. Show him that is not true. Show him how you are still a kind and loving person that the world has not changed your kind ways. .....Actions speak louder than words every could

  • man in black
    man in black

    Murray Smith : set deflector to maximum angle for avoidance.

  • moshe
    I would like to get the most "mileage" out of the opportunity in the sense of planting something that might set him to thinking . . . .

    Unless he is ready to accept the possibility that the WT might not be the one true religion, you won't get very far. I have made many a JW look like fools, but they always get over feeling stupid as soon as they get back to the hive. Just be sure and let that JW know how happy you are, without the KH.

  • Retrovirus

    Hi Murray Smith,

    Maybe have the BBQ, but then ask him to meet just with you, and confide to him, as a friend, that you have "doubts" and would like his help. Pick your doubt carefully, and have it really well researched. My personal favorite is asking for proof that the WT was chosen by Jesus in 1919; would it be reasonable for J to do this and provide no scrap of evidence for "honest-hearted" ( ) non-jws ?

    Then use Black Sheep's methods. Don't let him shift the goalposts or answer a related question; act hurt and disappointed if he tries anything like that. Mention being stumbled.

    From my experience he'll avoid you like the plague after one meeting; two at the most (he might try to research and/or bring backup, but of course you will only confide in him alone, and his research won't help him).

    But when he runs, his doubts will run with him.

  • MartynAndrew

    I would give it to him straight, something along the lines of I think the whole thing is a sham and I don't want anything to do with anyone still involved, all the best and don't come back. I would not bother arguing, just leave it at that, if he wants to discuss it, tell him there is nothing to talk about, get lost. Of course that is just my thoughts, I don't know you or him or your situation, but I would not waste another minute with those people, they've taken enough of my time.

  • TheJigsUp

    i would say a 90 degree angle followed by another right angle

  • karter

    If your going to bring up anything about the WTS or any doubts you have make sure it's one on one.

    Do your homework well and stick to the topic you have chosen and do not deveate off it till he and you has fully explaned things.

    The JW's like nothing more than to change the subject when they can't answer.


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