Movie about Waco?

by Mickey mouse 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Should get people talking about cults again.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I don't fancy the chances of it being much good if Rupert Wainwright is directing it though.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    The officials totally botched that whole thing, the siege just reinforced what Koresh had taught his members, just like it would the witnesses.

    The ATF needs to get an education, their ignorant belief that brute force wins all, killed many innocents.

  • CoonDawg

    Wow...that project is sporting one heck of a cast!

  • beksbks

    Quite frankly it was Koresh that killed many innocents. He facilitated the fulfillment of his own prophecies. He and the adults who allowed themselves to be brainwashed by him are the guilty.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Your right Beks, koresh and the other adults carry the main responsibility.

    But the ATF did an appallingly bad job if they had any intention at all of saving children.

    Now if they just wanted to go in there and squash koresh like a bug, regardless of casualtys, then they did everything right.

  • kurtbethel

    There was a TV movie about it, and then Waco: The Rules of Engagement came out later.

    The incident is a graphic reminder that the basis of government is brute force.

  • Cagefighter

    I know people that knew Dave personally. The people that died there were not doing anything that anyone on this board hasn't done. It was never proven he was abusing the underage girl there and if it came out he did I guarantee it would have been handled when evidence came forward.

    That being said...what happened in Waco is like if you were at an assembly and the federal government surronded the hall. They walk in the doors shooting (knowing you have armed security guards) then when you tried to leave they shoot more, then they set the hall on fire. Why? Hmmmm, let's say one of the speakers had a warrant or the IRS wanted to talk to him about his tax return. All the while the local sheriff and Texas State Troopers are screaming at the FEDS, WTF are you here and why are you doing that?

    We know what happened here in Texas. Dave was off, off like the autistic kid on the bus that the bullies pick on. This wasn't botched it was an attack on freedom of religion and the 2nd amendment. I don't agree with a lot of free speech but I defend the right, the same should go for the other freedoms.

    You will find no evidence of Dave being anything but cooperative from law enforcement until that day guys in all black with automatic rifles busted into his house shooting at his "family". What would you do, lay down and die or grab your AK and fire back? He did what 90% of the state of Texas would do if ANYONE busted down the door shooting for no apparent reason.


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