Anti-Aging Update

by metatron 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Chinese scientists made progress on decoding the P16 gene in
    humans and in providing evidence that it is a major factor
    in causing aging.

    otherwise go to and read the latest news.

    The next step is to find a way to control expression of the gene.
    Work is already underway to do this.

    They're getting closer with each passing day......


  • freeman

    You treat this as good news but it is not!

    What if because of this they find a way to extend life indefinitely, then what? All the generations that died so as to prove the Devil a lying bastard would be for nothing. And what about the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, that would become worthless too, would it not? In fact what would we even need God at all for?

    You selfish bastards! You tell your Chinese-commie scientists to stop trying to extend life, that Gods job. He’ll straighten things out when he is good and ready; any day now, any day now.


  • SixofNine

    I don't want to steal your gig, meta, so I'll let you do a post about the announcement today on parthenogenic embryonic stem cell creation. Yep, they have created a "faux" embryo from a primates unfertilized egg. From that, they have been able to make nerve cells, heart cells (that beat), etc, etc.

    Who knows, it may not even be "faux", but for expedience sake I hope they keep describing it that way, to keep the un-ethical ethicist at bay.

  • David Gladden
    David Gladden

    The solution is easy... have a lottery where people are chosen to randomly shoot other people. That should help cull the herd.

    Or better yet, a secret government agency can start putting contraceptive drugs in the water! Hell, that is how they keep the pigeon population down in large cities!

  • picosito

    Freeman, remember when Jesus replied to questions with "You said it."? Well, YOU said it now.

  • metatron

    Damn straight, six

    I like Bush's declaration about fetuses - it serves as an
    obsessive distraction to the anti-progress crowd. Let'em
    waste their attention on such issues while god-like power
    is gathered in the laboratory.


  • freeman

    When you think about, immortality is really just a further step, perhaps the next step, in our own evolution. As we have seen, natural selection has been a very powerful proponent of change, and now, its highly refined end product, namely the “human mind”, seems poised to advance evolution a quantum leap forward using gene manipulation technology. This will be an advance much further than simple natural selection could have done working at the biological level alone. Exciting times we live in, wouldn’t you say?

    PS: Picosito - yep I did it now...and there will be hell to pay


  • Moxy

    did u all read the recent Time magazine that featured anti-aging advances? It pretty much advanced the idea that aging and death were so thoroughly hard-coded into our genes that, despite dramtically increasing the life expectancy, we might be a long way from significantly extending our lifespans.

    of course that sounds like the kind of article that will be featured in the next Awake Watching the World, but the reasoning made good sense to me. namely that evolution has built life from the very ground up on the premise that old generations must pass up resources to the young if life is to advance. it is simply too intrinsic to our makeup to even think about toying with at our still rather rudimentary level of understanding. it touched on various fields of study like telomerase and the types of brick walls theyve run into.

    ah - here it is: what do u think?


  • metatron

    God, who writes this crap?

    Much of what they quote is outdated opinion. While they ramble
    on about hard coded genes for aging, science is actually finding them.
    According to a study in Science, there may not be that many of them.

    Animal studies are also suggestive. Caloric restriction increases
    lifespan and health in animals up to and including monkeys.
    Further, new antioxidants are being prepared that extend life
    and health in animal studies - based on the new information
    gathered from 'DNA chips' - namely that free radical damage
    in mitochondria is the dominant cause of aging.

    They need to keep up....


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