The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards

by Slidin Fast 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    Someone raised this book/film to me recently as scientific argument for intelligent design. I have neither read it or seen it as a film (I hesitate to classify it as a documentary). Having done a little research it seems to be at the least be viewed as controversial by the scientific community. Has anyone read it? Does it have any difficult to explain ideas? Is it the usual smoke and mirrors?
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Low res version here:

    i think i've seen it or something very similar when i was a believer, I cant remember anything specific as when it says what you think you want it to say your thinking abilities shut off. The argument is basically - too many coincidences for life to happen here, therefore god. But anyone with a sceptical brain knows that does not compute.

    if i can muster the enthusiasm to watch this one i will.

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    WMF don.t bother. I gather it is the old argument about the perfection of Earth to support life plus the "coincidence" of it's suitability to study the universe from. Therefore there must be a creator QED. I just wondered if anyone had ever dissected it.

  • bohm
  • economy

    Both are right.

    It looks to me that God has confidence in His design (earth and humans …). He knows humans can easily solve their problems, IF THEY WANT TO. For example,

    1) Humans can take the good points of all political systems and design a new one (the same can be done with religion, language …)

    2) Humans can copy the habits of some exceptional humans who live a healthy life-style diseases-free till their death.

    3) Humans can replace the present judicial system of punishment to the criminals with a system that makes the criminal do double compensation to the victim which will eradicate the crime itself (if the criminal is bankrupt, compensation should be taken from his relatives, community he lives in, religion he belongs to—all of whom are responsible for the building of individuals)

    Since humans have the ability to solve all their problems and have ability to become even like God, God will not intervene in the affairs of mankind. This means:

    1) God designed the earth for human habitation and left to humans to determine their destiny (which means theists are right)

    2) God will not intervene when humans misuse their free-will (which will be interpreted as He does not exit—which means atheist are also right).

  • Oubliette
    "Those who raise questions about the God hypothesis and the soul hypothesis are by no means all atheists. An atheist is someone who is certain that God does not exist, someone who has compelling evidence against the existence of God. I know of no such compelling evidence. Because God can be relegated to remote times and places and to ultimate causes, we would have to know a great deal more about the universe than we do to be sure that no such God exists. To be certain of the existence of God and to be certain of the nonexistence of God seem to me to be the confident extremes in a subject so riddled with doubt and uncertainty as to inspire very little confidence indeed." - Conversations with Carl Sagan (2006), edited by Tom Head, p. 70

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