Made Episcopal Church Yesterday - Exultant

by Band on the Run 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am Anglican. When I lived in New York, the subway was out at the Columbia stop and I walked down Amerstdam instead of Broadway to get to the next stop. As I passed this enormous cathedral structure, I saw a sign stating that Cesar Chavez, the migrant worker leader, and Geraldo Rivera were preaching the sermon on Sunday. I trekked in from NJ b/c I admired Chavez, not Geraldo who was a two bit local reporter. The idea that cultural icons could preach in a church amazed me. I fell in love with the progressive culture married to ancient liturgy. Stained glass windows and other priceless treasures, a professional choir were new experiences. Later, the staff and community would save my life during a bad illness.

    A local priest humiliated me so I decided to take my marbles to another local church. Services start earlier here than in NY. Medication made me too groggy to get up in time. So I've been waiting years to attend. My meds changed and I walked in this lovely English country church. Jesus must have been working b/c i walked right dab into Lilies of the Field reading and sermon day.

    The Epistle reading was 1 Corinithians 3:1-5. Immediately, I thought of disfellowship and all the very hurt people here. I hate people inserting lengthy posts but I am going to do it. St. Paul is more elqouent than I am.

    Think of us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God's mysteries [not mysteries]. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy [how many faileld prophecies?]. But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court [sounds like early Christians did not have unity. Some found fault with Paul]. I do not even judge myself [I wish I could agree in my own life]. I am not aware of anythiing against myself, but I am not thereby acquited. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the thing now hidden in darkness, and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each will receive commendation from God.

    Thanks be to God.

  • SixofNine

    I did some filming in Episcopal churches, for the local Dioces, just as I was exiting the borg. It was a very positive eye-opening experience. I remember filming some informal meeting on a Saturday afternoon and noticing the bearded men and unbearded women in everyday clothing having as much say in whatever-the-discussion-was-about as anyone else. I remember the group was just getting down to business to work out some church business, friendly, informal, yet getting-it-done w/out worrying about some elders ego or organisational structure. I remember the sincerity of everyone including the sincerity of the Priest and other paid church workers we interviewed. Their interviews tended to focus on a problem or problems they'd focused on and their work as a group to solve that problem - this stood in stark contrast to what a JW elder would talk about if he was interviewed: the organization, the governing body, the members obedience and sameness all around the world.

    The producer I was working for's sister was accepted as an Episcopal Priest during that time.

  • Curtains

    good for you band on the run. I am now an athiest but do appreciate your devotion

  • d

    Me personally it is just a means to strip of your freedom and to control you.

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