Wanted 2 or 3 Proof Readers (bible believers preferred)

by lovelylil 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Hi all,

    This year for the memorial, the ministry group I started called "The Kings Table", here in Weymouth MA will be handing out a one page flyer entitled The Watchtower Society And the Memorial of Christ's Death. We will also be posting them close to all the kh's in this area.

    This flyer will give thinking JW's the Christian perspective on the way the WT holds its services and includes scriptural references.

    I am in need of a few people willing to proof read this flyer for me, as well as look up the cited scriptural texts to make sure there are no mistakes. Also needed is feedback on the simplicity of the flyer for a Jehovah's Witness to understand. Any volunteers??

    You can pm me your email address and I will forward this document to you today. All I ask is for your feedback within the next week, which can be given by email, pm or here on the thread.

    I will respond to the first 3 people who ask to help. Thanks a lot in advance. Peace to all, Lilly

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Which Bible are you using? Doesn't take a believer to do what you are asking.

    Most of us know our Bibles due to our backgrounds.

  • lovelylil

    I used the NIV Bible.

    Not trying to offend anyone, the only reason I asked for a believer was I didn't think a non-believer would want to look up scriptural references. And also, want to make sure the statements made in the flyer are scripturally sound.

    If this is something you feel you can do, then I would gladly accept your offer. Just pm me your email address.

    Also, one more thing for those who get a hot off the press copy. I am asking for this not to be shown to people until a few weeks prior to the Memorial. Thanks, Peace, Lilly

  • WontLeave

    Can't you just post a pdf to google docs, then share the URL here for anyone to look over?

    Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. - Prov 15:22 (NIV)

  • lovelylil

    I will post online a week before the memorial. Don't want it out to many right now. But thanks for the advice. I did get a few volunteers to look it over.

    Peace everyone, Lilly

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Did you get enough volunteers? I'd be happy to check it out. I still read and value the Bible while not being tainted by a particular religious belief. Most importantly, I have a pretty good handle on active voice, spelling, and grammar, which you want in a proofreader/editor.

  • JeffT

    You have a PM

  • lovelylil


    I am not able to open any of my pms. I will let the mods know. I am going to take wontleaves advice and post the text of the document on my googledocs account. I will post it in a few weeks and then come back and post the link here.

    btw: I did get a few proof readers so thanks everyone. Peace, lilly

  • snowbird

    I am certainly interested.

    I have a very good command of the English language.


  • nugget

    I am a qualified proof reader and can do this for you if you still need volunteers.

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