The jW's have admitted their wrong but never apologize

by Star tiger 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger

    Dear Friends,

    Even though I've left the religion I find it very distressing that although they've made hundreds of mistakes in predicting the future and human issues they will never say sorry, how many innocent children and adults have died through the blood issue, and now through new enlightenment, now have the truth, total excrement, this is a totally manmade religion, not at all bothered about their flock, I am so glad I am out of it!


    Star Tiger

  • MrFreeze

    They don't admit they've made mistakes. They admit that "they are human and that the light is getting brighter." They claim that they "didn't have a full understanding". I've never heard the GB admit to a mistake. They've never admitted to a mistake so no apology is necessary in their minds.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They may have said (though I don't recall an instance) that mistakes were made, but they never owned up to any specific mistake, as in "we were wrong about X." They might have said something like, "not everything we expected came to pass," though.

  • flipper

    STAR TIGER- I'm glad you're out of it too ! I'm glad my son and I are out of it as well. WT society will NEVER apologize over ANYTHING. They ( mistakenly ) think they are God's spokesmen. They continue deluding Witness members

  • Joliette
    Joliette'll never get an apology from them.

    To quote David Splaine's 'Remain in the secret place of the most high' talk:

    Its our responsiblity. We take ourselves out of the truth. When a family member says that we're not being fair or kind, you tell your fellow family member, 'our loyality is to Jehovah (actually the watchtower).

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