Separate but unequal: Charts show growing rich-poor gap

by darthfader 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • darthfader


    The Great Recession and the slump that followed have triggered a jobs crisis that's been making headlines since before President Obama was in office, and that will likely be with us for years. But the American economy is also plagued by a less-noted, but just as serious, problem: Simply put, over the last 30 years, the gap between rich and poor has widened into a chasm.

  • beksbks

    Be still my heart.

    This is the most telling bit of info of all. Even though productivity is up, unions are down, wages are down/stagnant, the middle class is shrinking....................trickle down economics, tax cuts on the's all here. CEO pay gone from approx 25% more than the worker to over 400%. Top tax rate when Reagan took office was 70%........................ All the "conservative" policies that they are still clamoring for today, have been proven wrong over the last 35 years. It's been a conscious shift of wealth to the top. Now they are coming for some of the last bits we've got. Social Security, Pensions, decent wages, EPA..................all for the benefit of the money grubbers.

  • darthfader

    LOL Beks :)

  • worldtraveller

    It's not an accident. Google Koch brothers.

  • r51785

    Isn't is fascinating that their is a direct correlation between the shrinking of real wages and the shrinking of union membership? Who could ever have imagined a coincidence like that !!!!!!!!!!

  • BizzyBee

    As they used to say when there was breaking news...............STOP the PRESSES!

    Congrats to darthfader for grasping what we've known for the past 30 years! Welcome to the dark side..........we have cookies.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    And yet there are those who say we need to cut social services to the poor and break unions while at the same time defend tax cuts for the rich and defend two pointless wars that are costing billions of dollars that could be used to rebuilt this country.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Speaking of the greedy Koch brothers check out this article where the governor of Wisconsin thinks he is speaking to one of the Kock bothers but the call is being recorded. It may be Governor Scott Walker Watergate. I hope it is.

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