Welcome Chase!

by NewChapter 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    For some reason, I couldn't post on your thread. It's been happening quite frequently, so it's easier to just start this new thread.

    WELCOME CHASE. I look forward to hearing your story. You'll find the members here are all over the board. There is a general push to keep things honest, so when a member get's a bit hyperbolic, someone will generally offer a balanced view. It's best to just be tolerant. People are working through a lot of issues here, and everyone is at a different spot on that road.

    Welcome again!


  • NewChapter

    Hi Face to Face. Welcome to you too!

  • AudeSapere

    Chase's 'Intro' Thread is here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/206379/1/new-member

    btw - nice to have you join us, too, faceface. Tell us a little about yourself when you are ready.


  • chase

    28 yrs old, my dad died recently refusing a kidney transplant. left running a business with a whaked out sister and a mother who thinks jehovah runs the business.

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome, and so sorry for your loss. Good luc with Jehovah running your business. That must be intolerable.

  • Heaven

    Welcome, Chase and faceface! Heeeey... that rhymes!

    Chase... I am sorry to hear about your Dad. This cult definitely is blood guilty. I lost a cousin who refused a blood transfusion after a very nasty car accident. She left behind 3 kids.

    a mother who thinks jehovah runs the business.

    Isn't that funny 'cause my Mom told me Jehovah turned his back on all mankind and has nothing to do with us. Funny how these things change over time, isn't it?

    faceface... looking forward to your contributions. Tell us a bit about yourself.

    All of my family born on or before 1914 are dead. So much for 'this generation not passing away'... oh... wait... what? That's Old Lite you say? So ... like... I'm of the same generation as Abraham now? Get outta town!

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