How are You Guided?

by caliber 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • caliber

    I still follow the basic framework of the Judo-Christian values... tempered with empathy and sympathy

    What say the rest of you ?? What is your moral compass ?

  • aquagirl

    Me.I think about how I would feel if the situation was reversed and I was on the recieving end.but that goes along with my "I am my own God" theory.

  • caliber

    When asked about morality, many people respond like this: "Oh, that's all just a matter of personal opinion anyway, right?" But if you look at the way in which moral values actually work in our everyday lives, you'll see that this is not the case. Personal intuitions are important, of course. But morality generally comes into play when people interact with each other. This suggests that morality is a system of "shared" values which "justify" actions. As such, morality is about deciding on best courses of action in all situations.

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