
by VM44 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    Anyone heard of this book?

    A Gnostic Cycle: Exploring the Origin of Christianity
    by David Goben

    Product Description
    In this book, you are going to explore the bare-boned facts behind a broad range of Biblical mysteries, digging deep beneath the thick layers of misunderstood traditions, semantic misconceptions, invented religious and political dogma, and breath-taking, world-changing events in history that had been willfully suppressed or misrepresented. Like any really good who-done-it, you will read tales of sinister deception, glorious victory, hateful murder, intimate love, rampaging armies, wholesale genocide, spiritual salvation, and, as you would anticipate in such mysteries, the heroes and villains are not always who they seem to be. Listed below is a short list of the hundreds of things you will here in unearth: The Hebrew Bible was written to build self-esteem, not to record concise history. Jesus was named for Joshua, because it was believed he was his Second Coming. Jesus was a dynastic king; a direct descendant of the Scythian Anointed Kings. Jesus married Mary Magdalene, a Royal Princess, and their offspring live today. Lazarus raised Jesus from the grave after his crucifixion. Judas Iscariot was hung on a tree (ancient slang for a crucifix), not from a rope. The Holy Spirit is the Jewish Shekinah (Presence of God); the Mother Goddess.¿ The Father in Heaven, (Hebrew Adon) and Yahveh are two competing deities, from ancient Mesopotamia, and are separate to this day in the Hebrew Bible. Original Christian doctrine comes from Chapter 6 of Numbers, from the Hebrew Bible; rules governing the Qumr¿n Nazarite (pronounced "Nazareth") Order. The Eucharist is an ancient ceremony, using bread mixed with white powder gold.The reason we think non-precious metals like gold and silver valuable is spiritual. The Antichrist was born 8 years after Jesus, yet his sway is more powerful today.
    About the Author
    David Ross Goben has been a professional software engineer, a writer, and an obsessive researcher. He has extensively explored Biblical history, ancient cultural thinking, and ancient slang for over three decades, which has resulted in this book. He has written numerous books, manuals, and magazine articles, many uncredited, or authored under pen names. This is his first major work written beneath his own name.

    # Paperback: 712 pages
    # Publisher: AuthorHouse (June 1, 2006)
    # Language: English
    # ISBN-10: 1420873318
    # ISBN-13: 978-1420873313
    # Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 1.8 inches


  • VM44

    Forgot to enter a Title!

  • VM44

    Forum software will not allow me to edit the title!

  • sabastious

    You can edit your original post and add in a new title.


  • VM44

    Forum software will not allow me to edit the original posting!!!!

    I get an error message!

  • Erreve

    With or without a title thank you a very, very, very much for the information. It is a subject that interests me a lot.



  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It sounds like a Dan Brown novel or a David Ike controversy!

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