Tear down these walls -

by NewYork44M 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewYork44M

    On the 100 birthday of Ronald Reagan I am a bit nostalgic about a very important date in my life. If I could define an absolute date that was the beginning of the end for me as a Jehovah’s Witness I would identify June 12, 1987. On this date Ronald Reagan was at the Brandenburg Gate and in a speech implored the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to destroy the Berlin Wall with the words, “tear down these walls.”

    I can remember with clarity my indignation of this speech. I firmly believe that the progression of events would lead to the King of the North overtaking the King of the South. Thus, I viewed the speech as a challenge to God’s plan leading to Armageddon. That speech marked a dramatic change in world events; the Soviet Union fell, the Berlin Wall crumbled. While my fellow JWs talked about how exciting this was, I did not share their excitement.

    In one conversation with someone at the KH when he expressed his excitement about the change of events, I stopped him and asked, “But, who is the King of the North now?” This was the question that led to many more. The Watchtower clearly defined a stream of events. A key aspect of the series leading to Armageddon was the back and forth between the King of the North and the King of the South. The US and the USSR fit the scenario very well. However, the missing piece of no King of the North created a question mark that formed the basis for a search for the truth.

    My transition from a faithful “brother” to a happy apostate has been long and difficult. However, it has been worthwhile.

    So, Happy 100th Birthday Ronald Reagan and thank you.

  • cofty

    I remember those times very clearly. I could not comprehend the pace of events that began with brave men like Lech Walesa in the shipyards on Poland and ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Do you remember the stunned look on the face of Ceausescu when the crowds found the courage to stand up to him in Revolution Square in 1989?

    On the day the wall came down
    They threw the locks onto the ground
    And with glasses high we raised a cry for freedom had arrived
    On the day the wall came down
    The Ship of Fools had finally ran aground
    Promises lit up the night like paper doves in flight



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