It doesn't take much...

by PSacramento 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    My wife and I were watching a movie yesterday.

    After I finished working out I came upstairs and she was watching "Notting Hill" with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant.

    We've watched it before and both liked it, her because she likes Julia and me because I like British humour.

    And the end of the movie the Shania Twain song "You've got a way" played and I realised the the last time we saw that movie that we danced to that song :)

    I asked my wife to dance and there we were, slow dancing in the living room to Shania Twain.

    I looked down at her and she had tears in her eyes and a big smile :)

    It doesn't take much to be happy, it really doesn't does it?

    Just wanted to share with you all :)

  • miseryloveselders

    You know....after reading through Caliber's feminism thread, this experience of your's Psac has to be the sappiest thing I've ever read. I mean, you worked out, well thats manly. Then you watched Notting Hill and danced to Shania Twain? Your slippin.......

    I'm kidding, that story made me smile, warmed my heart for some reason, and I'm not exactly Mr.Romantic.

  • PSacramento

    That was priceless dude, truly !

  • poppers

    Wow - great story! It's moments like that that create the best memories. I'll bet she treasures that more than any kind of material gift you could give her.

  • VIII

    No, it doesn't take much. That was very sweet.

    I have some great memories of my husband and I dancing like that. Usually not after he works out though. He gets pretty smelly.

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