Amazing transformation- Slave to Master

by stuckinamovement 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinamovement

    I was looking at another thread and began thinking....

    Isn't it amazing that the "slave" has put itself in the place of the "master" ? Anyway you look at it, the Organization has taken Matt. 24:45-47 and twisted it beyond recognition.

    Witnesses have become slaves of the "slave class" and not of the Master. The Master Jesus Christ was fired from his job by the self appointed group of 6 old white men and a token brother living in Brooklyn. In effect they have said "we are stand ins for Christ, serve us instead."

    Way to go Governing Body! Self Serving Arrogant Assholes.


  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    The trick is to call oneself a slave without in reality being servile. To be the undisputed master without being seen to be so. Like an invisible octopus, to be everywhere and nowhere simultaneously.

    Can this be done? Hitler showed us how to do this years ago. Propaganda, mate, that's the way to go.

    Watchtower literature, which is the propagandizing instrument used by the "slave," is virtually unintelligible to the average, objective, reader. This is particularly so when one is unacquainted with the semantic distinctivenesss that is so deliberately strewn throughout the pages of such writings.

    A skillful blend of the truthful and the extravagant, its balance is weighted in favour of the Watchtower leadership. It is never biblical exposition that establishes the leadership credentials of the "slave" but rather an eccentric interpretation of a little known verse of text. This, coupled with disingenuous argumentation and monotonous and repetetitive temporizing, creates the perfect atmosphere in which to entrench such otherwise unacceptable beliefs.

    And the rank and file must really love it, else they would have revolted years ago, when the first examples of Watchtower duplicity became apparent. In fact the literature is intentionally designed, not to enlighten, but to obfuscate, with such literary devises as innovative improvisation and creative dogmatism.

    Being soporific, especially on a warm Sunday afternoon, this literature creates a comfortable sense of repose without actually demanding too much intellectual exertion. The polished cordiality, and the feigned interest this "slave" supposedly shows for the fellowship, in fact solicits an attitudinal response where attendance at the interminable meetings becomes required.

    Thus, if the "slave" has usurped an authority that is not his to possess in the first place, it has been accomlplished with the passive connivance of the rank and file.

  • PublishingCult

    Slave . . . slaaaaaaave . . . sllllaaaaaave . . .

    1: a person held in servitude as the chattel of another 2 : one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence

    "Slave" would certainly apply to 7million + Jehovah's Witnesses peddling WT publications from door to door at their own expense. If the GB could get away with renderin Matthew 24:45-47 "faithful and discreet Slave Master", I am sure they would give it a go. The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses answers to nobody. Hell, they even tell Jehovah and Jesus what they really meant when they said stuff and had it written down thousands of years ago.

    What kind of slave demands obedience?

    SIAM - You describe them perfectly as:

    Self Serving Arrogant Assholes


  • factfinder

    SIAM and Publishing Cult: Thank you!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    My thoughts exactly...

    how is that the slave can become the master?

    i posed this to my kids... how is it that such absolute obedience must be given to your servant?


  • kimbo

    Do what we say or loose your family.

  • yesidid

    Hubby and I have often discusssed that subject.

    We figure we know who the slaves are...............and it aint them.

  • flipper

    STUCKINAMOVEMENT- It certainly is ironic, isn't it ? It's one of the major scams the GB and WT society is pulling over all rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses - among MANY other scams. Hopefully more will wake up and smell the coffee

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