Thank you for all your kind words from Totally ADD

by TotallyADD 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • TotallyADD

    With my first post I missed up but am I glad I did. I never laugh so hard from your comments on ADD. Its all true sometimes your are so focus then all of a sudden you are staring in space. Thank God for Ritalin 20 mg. once in the morning will do me until 6 PM. After that I am on my own thats why we have coffee. When I finally got up my 2nd post/1st post all your comments were very encouraging to me. I love your hat Stephen and yes Wobble I to was thick headed for many years I knew something was not quite right but I would dismiss it and try to work harder. When all I did was burn myself out. Thankyou Flipper for your comments for a long time I have enjoy your thoughts on matters and see purplesofa I am getting better even though I am a typical ADDer this time I did not leave the message out. But thats not to say it won't happen again. Yes Hadit reference point to born ins is really warp, it's very hard to get past it but it can be done. Because all of you who were born ins have done it. Also would like to thank lady Lee for all her help on getting me on this board. Her counsel she gives is very sound and practical. It always has a feel of someone who really cares about what all of us are going through. All you for serveral years now have help me and my wife to understand why we feel the way we do and why it is not bad to do research on Jehovah Witness teachings. I told my wife 20 years ago if the G. Body starts elevating themselves above Jesus that will be a BIG RED FLAG for me to know something is fishy in JW land. Will guess what happen? So her we are. When I can have some time to sit and write my story being raised as a Jehovah Witness I will post it for you. But be warned it isn't pretty, its about as dysfunctional as you can get. That's why I also suffer with PTSD. That's another story. Again Thanks for all your encouragement and laughter looking forward to a long friendship on this board.

  • Hairyhegoat

    Nice comments Totally ADD

    HHG in the UK @1.47AM I need bed now so speak to you soon

  • flipper

    TOTALLY ADD - You are welcome my friend, thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. I was a born-in and got out at age 44 , 7 years ago. Life is incredibly better and happier for me now that I have freedom of mind and freedom to analyze and research . I have a wonderful non-JW wife who is very supportive. Sounds like you have a great wife as well ! Good for you. At least you aren't alone in your new life post JW. There is strength in numbers and I defuintely look forward to hearing your life story. Take care of yourself, great having you both here ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • TotallyADD

    I am soon to be 57 years old and just before my next brithday we will be totally out. Yes I do have a great wife she has put up with me for almost 37 years. Actually she has been to hell and back with me and my problems put she proved to be my rock in getting me help and supporting me through thick and thin. Life would have been very sad if I never knew her. Thanks for the insight on how our life will be even more better and happier. Indeed there is strenght in numbers. Happy you have found peace in this world that is sometimes hard to do. Totally ADD

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