I love my little sprout

by watersprout 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • watersprout

    When i collected Babysprout from school today, she looked at me all puzzled and confused...When i waved she came running over and said ''I didn't recognize you, you look different. Really beautiful, did you do something different with your hair?''...I asked ''what do you mean i look different?''...Babysprout's reply ''Mommy you look well''... Then when Carrot came home he said i look different too! Looks like i'm finally healing! WOO HOO!!!!!

    Bring on the CAKE!

    Peace Bec

  • AudeSapere

    How nice!! Sounds like a good day.

    But did I miss something? Have you been ill?


  • watersprout

    I suffer with digestive problems...Malabsorption of nutrients...Food intolorences...In Laymens terms i have been slowly starving to death, been a very miserable time! Basically the problems i have been suffering with are all due to being brought up in the watchtower...Damaged i most certainly am!Damn that religion!!!!!!!

    Didn't matter what i ate i received no benefits from it... Been suffering since i was 5 years old and their was nothing anyone could do until recently...The treatment i have had has knocked me about but i'm starting to feel great! My clothes are getting tight [Carrot if you are reading this i WILL be needing a whole new wardrobe], my skin is clearing, my eyes are sparkling, i'm feeling better in soo many ways!

    Peace Bec

  • snowbird
  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Awwww your little sprout sounds precious ! So good to hear you are doing better .

  • watersprout

    Thank you snowbird! Right back at ya!

    My little sprout is precious, i'm thinking of having her cloned! Lol..


  • Soldier77

    That's good news Watersprout! So happy for you! Sending good vibes and energy your way!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Glad you're feeling better. I know someone with Crohn's disease and life is very hard for her. She remains a JW, unfortunately.

  • watersprout

    That you S77...Your happy energy is gratefully received and i have lovingly sent you some back!

    Mad sweeney whats the betting that your friends Chrohns disease is due to the poison of the watchtower?? The watchtower had poisoned my own body against itself! Damn evil cult! *unwraps a caramel chocolate*

    Peace Bec

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