Favorite Quotes

by t33ap80c 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • t33ap80c

    I got the following quote from Ros over at Beacon...

    "You cannot change someone's mind by proving that they are wrong."

    Don Cameron

  • familycomesfirst4

    I got this from an apologetic on itunes:

    "The progressive wisdom we are given from God is akin to saying you have a pizza, then saying you also know it has cheese........then mushrooms.....and later on realizing it also has pepperoni. It's not like saying you have a burger, then it's pizza, then it's turkey. [then it's pizza, again.]"

    I added the 'pizza, again' part myself to show how I personally worked it out.....and because I like pizza.

  • alanv

    I thnik that is spot on.

    I and others, constantly show JWs where they are wrong on different forums, and it does not seem to make a lot of difference. Unless they perceive that you have something better to offer, they are not interested. I guess we all need to get a bit smarter in what we say to them.

  • familycomesfirst4
    Alanv: I and others, constantly show JWs where they are wrong on different forums, and it does not seem to make a lot of difference. Unless they perceive that you have something better to offer, they are not interested

    I respectfully disagree to an extent. I made up my mind after having read a few things, then furthering my own research to confirm or prove wrong my new thoughts. I'm sure there are plenty of others who have done the same. So don't stop. There are those who can follow a thought to full conclusion, but they may never take that step without first having someone show them dubious WT info.

    However, I say to an extent because my wife would fall in that category of needing something 'better'. She's said more than once she's happy where's she's at because "what else is out there?".

  • Farkel

    I'm a big fan of aphorisms. My favorite one is:

    "It's best the ride a horse in the direction its going."


  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Another Drink sir?

    Never ask a Navy man if he want ANOTHER drink.......cause it's nobodies God damn business how many he's already had alright?


    Wrong.... you not just a man Your a Bishop for God Sake.

    There is no God.


  • foodalls

    Actually, there is something FAR better than what they have to offer, and it will reveal something about YOU that have NEVER learned about...and if you are curious about what that is contact me at: [email protected]

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