Does Jehovah Answer Prayers?

by Spade 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    emphatic NO!

    thats Oz's opinion anyway...

  • shepherd

    Since he does not exist I think it might be hard for him to answer.....

  • WTWizard

    God always stomps on your toes. If anything ever does happen in your favor, it is in spite of, NOT because of, the prayer. The exceptions are that he does answer prayers for his name, his tyranny, and his nefarious will--always in such a way as to minimize the benefit to you.

    And, I learned that the quickest way to PERMANENTLY lose any benefit is to give thanks to that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag.

  • Paulapollos

    "Most people leave Christendom's churches because their prayers go unanswered and there's no evidence that God intervenes in their personal lives. Something that's never discussed here. Just about all opposers exclude Jehovah from the picture when casting judgments."

    I might have misunderstood this, but is the above statement by "Spade" a joke?

    If not......what proof is there that "their prayers go unaswered and there's no evidence that God intervenes in their personal lives." Er.......and I suppose that is a scientific survey? Or the opinion of Jehovah's Witnesses, who of course are unbiased and have no axe to grind? There are hundreds of sects in India where disciples claim that they feel power and "spirit" flowing into them when they ask, enabling them to lie on beds of nails, to drink "poison", to handle snakes etc - is that God intervening? There are hundreds of people who state that in their religion, they broke free of addiction because God helped them, with power thru prayer, etc - or are there only drug/drink/gambling addicts in JW's? Let's be honest, thousands break free of addiction and make personality changes through the "power" of Alcoholics Anonymous - but that doesn't prove the AA is divine!

    Come on, the next thing will be that only JW's produce magazines like the WT and Awake - try reading the "Good News" magazine - it like the sister publication of the WT, except it is produced by those pesky Christians..

    Going further, how on earth does Spade's statement and the pasted article make any sense? There are stories in Mormonism, the Seventh Day Adventists, etc etc ad nauseam, where a person is praying for "help" and "the truth" and that specific religions "missionaries" or representatives knock on the door and it is interpreted as follows:

    1 - Person who prays - "There is a God because he answered my prayer by sending a religious group to me, and the religion who knocked on the door/spoke to me at the shops etc, is the truth because God sent them to me

    2 - Religious represntatives - "The fact we knocked on your SPECIFIC door after you asked that prayer is proof we are the right religion because God sent us to you, after you asked him for the "truth"

    But how can any of the above be true, when all these religions have these stories? Are they ALL the right religion? Is God listening to all the prayers and operating thru ALL religions? If not, how do you explain they ALL have these stories? Are some lying? If so, what is the proof they are lying and YOUR SPECIFIC RELIGION is telling the truth?

    I don't think "opposers" exclude Jehovah from the picture - maybe the fact that every religious group has these stories of "God's spirit helped me make changes in my personality, and I know because I FELT his power come over me when I asked" , as well as the ubiquitious "Annie Lennox/George Michael/Michael Jackson asked JW's/Mormons/Seventh Day Adventists, to leave their concert" as well as the "There was a spirit medium interviewed on Oprah/Montel/TenaPennyChatShowHost, and the host asked what the Devil and Demons are doing now, and the medium answered 'focusing on the children of JW's/Mormons/SDA/Disciples of the Cookie Monster, because they are the right religion'", means that people here just take these "God answers the prayers of JW's" stories with a pinch of salt.


  • Spade

    "There are stories in Mormonism, the Seventh Day Adventists, etc etc ad nauseam, where a person is praying for "help" and "the truth" and that specific religions "missionaries" or representatives knock on the door and it is interpreted as follows:"

    Why don't you link to a story instead of making up your own. None-the-less, a person can make a personal inquiry into this and find out for themselves. There's no reason for a person to close their mind based on anything you've said.

  • Farkel

    : Does Jehovah Answer Prayers?

    That question is self-answering: yes Jehovah does. no Jehovah doesn't. Zero sum. Zero sum means NO.


  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    People watch this, watch it all.

  • isaacaustin
    isaacaustin Spade:

    "There are stories in Mormonism, the Seventh Day Adventists, etc etc ad nauseam, where a person is praying for "help" and "the truth" and that specific religions "missionaries" or representatives knock on the door and it is interpreted as follows:"

    Why don't you link to a story instead of making up your own. None-the-less, a person can make a personal inquiry into this and find out for themselves. There's no reason for a person to close their mind based on anything you've said.

    My reply: Went off your meds AIW?

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