Papua New Guinea Witnesses praised for risking life during Witnessing! Idiots!

by Witness 007 7 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Port Moresby in P.N.G is a very violent dangerous place. Some Witnesses told me how much the Witnesses on this Island "love Jehovah." "Every time they go Witnesing they think it might be the last time..." due to the crimes, killings, and kidnappings, but these idiots still go door to door as ordered!!!! There dedication is supposed to inspire me but I think phone or letter writting would be better....WHY RISK YOUR LIFE???

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    As always, the ones issuing the orders will be making sure that they are well to the rear!

    During the time that I lived in Port Moresby, only the "local" publishers went into the extensive squatter settlements around the city:

    - these were places so dangerous that even the police would not go into.

    Expatriate publishers were restricted to the parts of the city where either the local middle class , or the expatriate people lived.

    - these, while not exactly the safest places in the world, were far less dangerous than the squatter settlements.


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Bungi Bill you have a PM


  • man in black
    man in black

    yes, that is crazy. But it seems to be something that the witnesses hold up like badge showing everyone their spiritual maturity.

    here in the USA in Chicago there is an area called Cabrini Green. it is ( or was, this housing project was recently torn down) a very very crime ridden area. Shootings, drugs, rapes, etc are everyday things that happen. You did not want to be lost in this area EVER.

    Well, in my old congregation several sisters would drive 2 hours to go and do some "special" witnessing several times a year in this project area.

    Imagine ( looking at reality, I'm not being racist) several well -dressed white middle aged women going door to door in a 100% black,poverty and crime infested, high rise apartment complex.

    In fact I remember them telling the cong. that the elevators were broken and they had to walk up and down several stories in each building.

    They would come back home crowing about how "spiritual" they were, and what an excellen example they were setting for people to reach out and do more witnessing.

    I could appreciate their zeal and courage, but come on, they all had families with young children !

    Talk about putting your head in the mouth of a lion.

    I would sit in the audience and just cringe,,,,, would you be talking like this if you had been shot/raped/or mugged ?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Like the Witness afew years ago in America who preached to a gang at a truck stop.....they killed him, his wife and two kids.

  • davidl7

    Like Stephen who was stoned to death for preaching Jesus as the Messiah, and who was accused of speaking against God and Moses....(Acts 7:64-60)

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Stephen did not throw his life away peddling literature for a multi-national book publishing concern, while deluding himself into believing that he was doing the Lord's work.


  • ssn587

    So many today are delusional, thinking they are actually doing the Lord's work by going out and placing literature as if that is what Jesus had in mind so many years ago. The society likes to direct the disciple making work to all the R&F if one however were to actually read the scripture at matthew 28:16 they would see it was to the 11 apostles that he gave that admonition to, not everyone one who was believing in him. Just like in John 10:16 they switch that from the gentiles to anyone who isn't of the supposed anointed. They are definitely members of the Chubby Checker twist and shout school. twist the scriptures to fit preconcieved ideas and shout it out to one and all.

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