Hands up , who used to draw in their books and mag

by sleepy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    The watchtower has been taking for what seems like an hour , and theres still an hour to go .So what do you do?
    you get out your pen or pencil and start drawing on the pictures.
    Yopu change Moses into satan and draw big breasts on the sister living in the newsystem.
    Was I the only one?

  • Moxy

    as a kid, jesus and his apostles always ended up having Laser Duel fights with their eyes. of course, jesus' aim was perfect.


  • DB

    No, sleepy, you were not the only one. I've written notes to family members, made mocking remarks about someone else in the congregation, all in good fun of course, and yes, done some artistic work in my mag too. Anything to make the time pass a bit more quickly.

  • ashitaka

    i used to try to fill in all of the O's and the inside of the D's abd B's. That normally would take up the whole watchtower study...know what? It worked.

    I also drew bubble name, wrote poems, etc. Anything to get my mind off of the drivel confronting me.


  • expatbrit


    Who do you think you're kidding? I heard that's what you were doing during the WT study this past Sunday.

    I used to draw grasping zombie hands coming out of the ground in all those sappy new system pictures. I'm pretty sure that's psychologically significant somehow.


  • Mindchild

    I'm really shocked at you guys...drawing pics on your Watchtowers ...sheesh give me a break. I used to smuggle blank paper to draw pics with if I felt like drawing, or I would photocopy an article, cut it to the size of the WT and read it carefully during the study. If I wasn't doing stuff like that, I was busy causing problems for people. I loved to play with the sound system and as the elders in my day as a dub didn't know shit about technology, I got away with a lot of crap.

    Every once in awhile, I would quietly hook a wire loop to the PA system so trucker's CB radio's would come in loud and clear right during the study (usually woke everyone who was sleeping up...that was funny to watch) or I might get occassional sound effects by playing with the knobs on the amp.

    My biggest entertainment though came when the elders bought my idea of installing a big parabolic sound pickup system that I mounted on the stage. The aim of it was to pick up conversations during the Watchtower study of people too timid to speak louder than a whisper, especially for the brother conduction the study was partially deaf. So, I would point the big antenna at them from the stage and sometimes it would work good but a few times I managed to point it at a brother known to have abundant amounts of stomach gas, and caught the whole episode at high-fi levels. haha Talk about the poor guy turning a deep red.

    After I pissed off the elders doing this and they took my toys away, I would mostly just prepare my future meeting parts during the WT or TMS. It always looked like I was a studious young man carefully checking everything said....little did they know.


  • ashitaka

    I wasn't so subtle. The Ministry School was a reason to bring a good work of fiction along. All my friends were horrified when I was reading 'Interview with the Vampire' during one fateful study.

    Always good fun.

    Mind, I remember sound stuff like yours, always a hoot.


  • Simon

    The dinosaurs in the back of my bible became a scene from a Doug McLure film

  • Trixie

    Okay, let's do this in order by meeting. On Tuesdays, my sister and I would draw on the books. The best was when you'd get to reread a book because you could go back and critique your earlier work. You could add on horns or blood coming from mouths. The problem of this was twofold. One, if a picture was already drawn on and you came up with a better idea, you couldn't erase what you had done. The other was if my dad got our books by mistake. SPANKING CITY!
    On Sundays, you wrote mean notes about other people in the hall. During the WT study, you draw on pictures. My fav was this picture of Adam planting a tree in the Garden of Eden. A duck was behind him quacking but it looked like it was about to bite him on the ass. A family favorite was to draw what people were thinking in the pictures. It always seemed that Jesus was always drawn like he was expaining something hard for him to understand.
    Finally Thursdays were usually a pretty art-free day. It was the middle of the week and you were tired. You just tried to sit quietly and think of all the TV you were missing. My family waited until after the meeting to eat dinner, so I was usally planning to chow down as soon as I got home.
    I kinda miss that graffitti. Some of my best work was done then an I couldn't even show it off to people. Now my only hope is to imagine what I could draw in my students books.

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