Another "Generation" Talk Straight Form the Horse's Mouth

by Yan Bibiyan 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    I freaking love the web. This one is "old light", albeit only 2 years old.

    Speaker is Gerrit Losch at the 2008 Hawaii Convention at ~46:30 Gerrit confidently explains that the "generation" is indeed the anointed on Earth. No overlapping, no Exodus 1:6, no scmenticapelli.

    If you can stomach the talk, there are other pearls in there about different elements of the Great Tribulation and what they mean. Most of the time explanation is :"Well, we don't exactly know" (yet we tell you how to live your life)


  • minimus

    The Horse spoke old light. (confidently)

  • Iamallcool

    The website says it is Encouraging Talk?????

  • moshe

    I don't have an hour of my life I want to use up by listening to that old geezers talk.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan
    The website says it is Encouraging Talk?????

    It is.

    The talk starts with the announcer ENCOURAGING everyone to donate and help pay for the wonderful facility


    Old light?

    F#%K me.

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