You Know Your Kingdom Hall is in Trouble When:
1. In a congregation with 200 dubs, there are only seven who show up to the Watchtower study and they are all apostates.
2. Finding and returning lost sheep is no longer a parable.
3. There is a special fund raising meeting to pay the plumber to unclog the toilets.
4. Baptism is referred to as “branding” by the Circuit Overbeer.
5. Field Service Meetings are conducted at McDonald’s
6. Opening day of football season preempts the Sunday meeting.
7. The elders can’t afford a stamp to mail the Societies monthly cut to them.
8. The song selected to start the meeting is Mick Jaeger’s “I can’t get no Satisfaction”
9. The booze used in the Memorial is “Hot Sex.”
10. The elders are discussing instituting drive through meetings for the congregation.